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It's funny, isn't it? How your life can completely change all because of one decision, one taken opportunity.
Harry swears that if he looked at a photo of that cold September night he would be able to hear the loud, thumping noise of the early 90s rap music and smell the prominent scent of weed and alcohol that travelled throughout the building.

He had somehow managed to convince his mother to let him attend the party by lying that he was going to a friend's house to work on an English project for school.
His mother had raised an eyebrow but had sighed and agreed and although Harry hated lying to his mother he felt that she didn't really buy his story and probably knew that he was going to a party.

His father had grumbled something on Harry's way out of the house but as usual he had ignored his words and offered his mother a sympathetic look as she want to fetch her husband another glass of whiskey.

As soon as he arrived at the apartment building he instantly knew that this party was different to any he had ever been to before and he couldn't help but continuously replay Louis' words.

"It's not just a party. It's a legendary celebration of life!"

a legendary celebration of life

He walked in after showing his purple ticket to the so-called bouncers and immediately saw hundreds of horny teenagers grinding on each other, the steam from their hot bodies causing beads of sweat to appear on their foreheads.

The party scene Harry was used to consisted of the host showing off their bree selection and large family home whilst everybody got tipsy over highly expensive (and overrated) wine and ended up vomiting into gold toilets.

Okay, the toilets weren't gold but you get the picture.

Harry quickly was handed a beer and just as he was about to explore, the front door opened and in walked a group of the strangest but most exciting and fantastic people Harry had ever seen.

The four of them were all wearing elaborate clothing and makeup, one of the boys was even wearing large heels and a wig and Harry appreciated all of their efforts even though he had never seen anything like this before, at least not in person.

"Let's get this party fucking started!" One of the boys yelled in a thick accent and immediately the entire house erupted into cheers and drunken slurs. The party had clearly been going on for hours already and it wasn't planning on ending anytime soon, especially after the arrival of these people that everybody seemed to know and love.

As Harry looked closer he recognised the boy as the dancer from earlier, the one with the platinum blonde hair and blue eyebrows.
Harry thought that he would never be able to forget his laugh as it was that distinct.
He was unapologetically himself and Harry loved that.

Then he saw her.
He only realised then that he didn't know her name.

She looked different from earlier and was wearing blue eyeshadow and large, graphic eyeliner across her eyelids that somehow made her eyes appear brighter.
Harry also noted that her lips were still cherry red.

She looked like a celebrity as she wore a short, skintight blue dress to match her eyes and the largest pair of pink go-go boots that Harry had ever seen.
Everybody else at the party began to pull them in for hugs and handed them endless drinks but Harry stood still and just watched her.

He watched how she smiled at everyone, no judgement at all and how she constantly threw her head back with laughter.

He was desperate to speak to her again, his mouth becoming dry from nerves but as soon as he mentally prepared himself to go over to her Louis suddenly appeared and swung an arm clumsily around Harry's neck.

UNPREDICTABLE - Harry styles Where stories live. Discover now