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"Gemma, we are going to be late! Gem, hurry up!" Rose yelled in frustration from the bottom of the staircase, her knee high school socks already slipping down her legs.

"Eat up, Harry," Anne smiled, kissing the top of her son's head as he sat at the table with a sleepy expression.

The mornings were starting to get colder and darker only making it harder to get up out of bed and every morning as the wind howled for attention, Harry thought about Katya who he knew started work at 6am at the diner.

"Mum, are there any spare cinnamon buns?"

"Yes, my love. Over there on the counter...Rose fix your socks and Gemma do please hurry up-"

Harry quickly jumped up from his seat, placing his empty plate in the sink before wrapping the spare cinnamon buns up carefully and putting them in his pocket in order to keep their warmth.


Gemma walked ahead as usual, probably pretending she was on MTV or something until she met Michal beside the red lamppost at the bottom of their street as she did every morning.

Rose shot Harry a look every morning about this interaction that never failed to make him laugh.

"Just you wait until you get a boyfriend and become insufferable too," Harry teased and Rose shook her head adamantly and slightly elbowed Harry in response.

"That will never happen! Boys are so annoying, there's this one guy in my class called Jake and he always steals my pencil case!" Rose explained dramatically whilst Harry just watched her talk with a small smile.

"He's probably trying to flirt with you," Harry smiled, laughing when Rose's eyes widened and a look of disgust crossed her face.

"Why doesn't he just talk to me?" Rose asked, pulling a confused expression that made Harry laugh again.

"That's a good question Rose," Harry managed to say through his chuckles as the pair walked side by side until the reached the crossroads facing their school.

"Okay, I have a book to bring back to the library so I'm going to do that now! You cross the road as usual and go into school," Harry explained quickly but Rose just raised her eyebrows at her brother and crossed her arms.

"How do I know that you're definitely going to come back to school?" Rose asks curiously and Harry just chuckled at his baby sister who was now interrogating him.

"Rose, I promise I will come back to school as soon as I've brought the book back! I'll even wave into your classroom later on so you can see for yourself," Harry reasoned and he saw Rose's features soften for a second.

"What if you get hit by a cab and die or something, mommy would never forgive me!" Rose argued back, her slight American accent coming through making Harry chuckle again.

"Rose, I promise I'll be fine! I cross this road every single day and I haven't died yet!" Harry explained gently, placing his hand on her shoulder until she finally sighed and agreed.

"Don't forget to wave into my classroom!" Rose called out, checking over her shoulder to see Harry who just laughed and agreed as he watched her cross the street and walk into their school gates.

Harry ensured one last time that Rose and Gemma were inside the school grounds before he crossed the road and walked in the opposite way to the library.

He passed the saxophone man, dropping loose change in his bucket as he chuckled at the image of Niall and Katya dancing in this very spot from just weeks before.

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