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I don't know what Harry was expecting but when he walked into the photography and art gallery in the Hunts Point area of the city his mouth was slightly dropped and he made sure to stay as close to Louis and Zayn as possible.

"Hey mister, do you have something of yours you would like to put into something of mine?" A croaky, New York voiced mumbled seductively and when Harry turned around he was facing an older prostitute wearing cheap red garters and a large, matted leopard print coat.

Before he could reply Niall burst out of the doorway and into the street, laughing and smoking.

"Hey, I've been lookin for you lot! Hiya, Jackie!" Niall greeted everyone, including the prostitute who flashed Niall a toothy grin and waved flirtatiously.

"Tough day on the street is it?" Niall asked her as Louis quickly ushered Harry away from the woman and into the gallery building.

"How does Niall know her?" Zayn asked Louis, pulling a confused expression as Louis continued to hold onto Harry tightly.

"You don't want to know," Louis mumbled before chuckling and Harry offered Zayn a quick glance before walking into the gallery area.

The gallery building was run down and dark, the lightbulb was flickering and it was so cold that Harry could see his breath in the air.

Louis went to grab Niall from outside and Zayn followed Harry who was walking ahead until he stopped dead in his tracks as he gazed upon Katya.

She was wearing a black oversized sweater, a green tartan skirt, black tights that had ladders in them, her usual heavy boots and many gold chains. She looked beautiful but Harry's favourite part was the green beret placed upon her icy blonde hair.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked Harry who had just stopped in his tracks, pulling Harry from his daydream.

The room was filled with various different pieces of artwork and photography, some were terrible and some were incredible.
Katya was standing at her own canvas beside Danny, dressed in his intimidating leather apparel as he towered over her like a dark cloud.

"Don't you fuckin' use that tone of voice with me!" Harry heard Danny spit at Katya, his voice rough as Harry watched him jab his finger forcefully at Katya.

"Not here Danny," Katya spoke through gritted teeth, her eyes dark as he stepped closer to her but just before he was able to grip onto her hands, Harry ran over and pulled Katya away from Danny and into a hug.

"Harry!" Katya gasped in shock as he held her, a smile gently reappearing on her face but Harry could feel how tense her body still was.

"Hey, Zaynie!" Katya waved as she pulled out of Harry's hug, still remaining closer to him than Danny.

"I'm so glad you guys came," Katya explained happily, comically tipping her green beret which made Harry chuckle.

"Oi, what about us? Did you not even notice we were gone?" Louis asked teasingly, appearing from the back door with a gleeful Niall by his side who was rubbing red lipstick off of his cheek.

"Don't you forget that I was the one that carried the watermelons in that photograph! That was me!" Niall announced loudly, almost to the whole gallery, before laughing hysterically and pulling Katya into a side hug.

"How could we forget when that's all you've been talking about for weeks!" Louis argued with his usual cocky grin, completing ignoring Danny stood next to Zayn.

"I'll tell you what I haven't forgot about, how Tommo said he couldn't help us carry the watermelons because he was working when in reality he was just getting another tattoo at Zayn's!" Niall argued back before grinning, proud of himself as Harry and the others began to laugh and cover their mouths in shock.

UNPREDICTABLE - Harry styles Where stories live. Discover now