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TW: aggressive sex in which sex is being used for escapism. borderline rape. Please, please take care and proceed with caution. <3

"So...what's your favourite colour?" Harry asked nervously to Stacey as they sat drinking milkshakes, trying his best to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Harry, I know you aren't interested in me," Stacey admitted with her usual smile, sipping on her strawberry milkshake and immediately Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to lead Stacey on or make her feel bad in any way and so he was so relieved when she had more courage than him and addressed the situation.

"Stacey, it's nothing personal I promise-"

"You are in love with someone else, aren't you?" Stacey asked with a small grin and Harry felt himself blushing again as she giggled.

"Love is a very strong word and I-"

"Harry!" She interrupted with a laugh again until he sighed in defeat and nodded.

"Yes, you're right," he admitted and she grinned again.

"It's that girl, isn't it? The blonde one," Stacey asked and Harry chuckled and nodded, glad to have a friend in Stacey.

"How did you know?"

"I saw the way you looked at her, the way you put yourself at risk just to save her," Stacey explained and Harry found himself nodding along.

"Her name is Katya. It will never work between us though, my family would never allow it and I'm not even Katya's type!"

Stacey scoffed in disagreement and insisted that she saw Katya's face light up when she set her eyes on Harry.

"I know how you feel though," Stacey said sadly, fiddling with her long blonde hair that was perfectly curled.

"How so?"

"I'm in love with a boy my parents disapprove of. Mitch Rowland," Stacey explained sadly and Harry saw how her eyes twinkled at Mitch's name.

"Mitch? As in Mitch in our school year? Why don't your parents approve of him?"

Stacey nodded and took another sip of her milkshake.

"It's definitely not as extreme as yourself and Katya but my parents have branded Mitch and his family as 'new money' as his father only came to his fortune by selling expensive guitars. His family name isn't as honourable or something, it's so stupid! They won't let me see him anymore," Stacey explained and Harry saw the pain in her expression and immediately offered his hand across the table.

"I'm sorry to hear that Stace, that's shit," Harry replied and Stacey lightly squeezed Harry's hand and nodded.

"They love you though," Stacey admitted with a giggle and Harry rolled his eyes playfully.

"They love my name just as my parents love yours," Harry replied and Stacey nodded again.

"Harry, can we please just pretend that we are courting? You can keep seeing Katya and I can keep seeing Mitch! All we have to do is replace their names with each other's!"

Harry absorbed her words, pondering the idea that he knew would be risky but if it worked it would get his parents off of his back.

"Ok, let's do that. It's just our secret," Harry agreed, placing his pinky finger out for Stacey to link with.

"Ok, now tell me about her!"

UNPREDICTABLE - Harry styles Where stories live. Discover now