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"Almost there," Harry mumbled softly as he hauled Katya up the staircase of her apartment building, her body practically limp and lifeless in his arms as he carried her.

"Harry," Katya groaned as he carried her down the corridor of the cold apartment building, unconsciously retrieving the spare key from under the door mat.

"Sssh, I know, you're okay," Harry soothed as he quickly opened her apartment door and breathed a sigh of relief when he realised that Danny wasn't there and had probably left hours ago.

He gently placed her on the bed, taking her heavy boots off and carefully placing them by the door. When he looked back at her laying on the bed his heart shattered.

She looked so small, so hurt, just so sad.
Her eyes were redder than Harry had ever seen before and her pupils were extremely dilated and looked to be jet black in colour.

Harry quickly handed her a cup of water and helped her drink it, her jaw still trembling from the drugs and her hands were eerily white as she clenched onto the cup.

She was covered in vomit and so Harry knew that he ultimately would have to help her get undressed but he was nervous that she would think he was just exploiting her.

He started by dampening a wet cloth and cleaning her hair, then he began to attempt to take her extravagant makeup off of her face as she lay limp on the bed. He quickly opened her broken wardrobe drawers and took out an oversized shirt and a pair of pyjama shorts and set them on the bed, his ears perking up when he heard Katya mumbling.

"Is Harry here? Ni, Niall," Katya mumbled, squeezing her eyes presumably to stop them from streaming.

"I'm here Kat," Harry replied calmly even though inside he was trembling and felt completely out of his depth.

He was angry with Katya.
She had acted weird, fully ignored him and then put herself in such grave danger even though she knew she was being stupid.
He was incredibly angry with her but he couldn't deny that his heart ached every time he glanced at her beautiful face despite the horrible state that she had got herself in.

"I need to get you undressed into pyjamas, is that okay?" Harry asked slowly but Katya quickly nodded, reaching out to grab Harry's hand.

Harry knew that Katya's relationship with Danny was abusive and he suspected it was much worse than she let on and so he was extremely cautious about possibly triggering Katya when she was so vulnerable.

He quickly began to lift the dress up, speaking to Katya calmly as he did so even though he knew that she was completely loopy.

He lifted the dress off of her, carefully folding it and placing it in her washing basket as she sat on the bed in her underwear.
Katya had stopped twitching, seeming slightly more awake and despite Harry avoiding direct eye contact to her body he couldn't help but smile fondly as he spied some of her beautiful, delicate tattoos that were littered all over her bruised torso.

"Here angel, put this on," Harry instructed as he handed Katya the shirt, his cheeks burning as the pet name slipped out.

He turned his back to give her some privacy but Katya just grumbled in annoyance, her limbs getting caught in the pyjamas with every attempt.

"I am disgustingly ugly," Katya mumbled sadly, causing Harry's jaw to drop in shock and his body to turn around once more.

He had never heard more untrue words in his life.

"Kat, that's not true," Harry started strongly, his eyes respectfully looking away but Katya just shook her head and repeated her statement.

"It's true, you can't even bring yourself to look at me." Katya looked down in shame, huffing and giving up at attempting to dress herself as her limbs and mind were obviously not cooperating.

"Katya," Harry lifted her head by her chin and they locked eyes until Harry managed to smile fondly at her, momentarily ignoring how terrifyingly dilated her eyes were.

"I can't stop looking at you, I only turned my back to give you some privacy and to remain respectful," Harry explained softly, intertwining his hand with Katya's who nodded but looked confused.

"Respectful," Katya echoed and Harry nodded with a smile.

The eye contact was prolonged and entrancing until Katya finally broke the silence.

"Can you help me please?"

Harry nodded and helped her place the pyjama shirt over her messy head, her eyes closing over again and fluttering awake every couple of seconds.

"When I got my first bra my step-dad made me show him but my mom told him to stop and I always thought she was sticking up for me for once but now I realise that she was jealous of his attention on me," Katya mumbled as Harry unclipped her bra from under the pyjama shirt and her words made his brain freeze.
He felt like he was intruding and shouldn't have heard that but he had and he knew that those words would be forever etched into his brain.

He didn't know what to say but when he looked down he saw that Katya had fallen asleep, completely relying on Harry to hold her body up.

He gently manoeuvred her onto the bed and under the sheets, ensuring that she was propped up and wouldn't choke on her vomit in her sleep.

He smiled fondly at her and quickly placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his hand running over the top of her platinum, almost white, blonde hair.

He looked at the clock and internally groaned at how early in the morning it was, rubbing his exhausted eyes but when he went to stand up Katya grabbed his arm.

"Please don't leave."

She clumsily pulled back the duvet cover and Harry found himself taking off his shoes and climbing in beside her, his own eyes burning with exhaustion from the dramatic events of the night.

Katya was asleep again, light snores escaping her mouth and causing Harry to smile fondly, tracing his finger along her cheek.

His own eyes were heavy but the nerves about Katya were prominent in his body, his mind completely terrified of her dying in her sleep.

"I'm...I'm sorry," Katya mumbled softly as Harry chastely ran his hand through her messy hair again, a fond expression on his sleepy face.

"I know you are," Harry gently replied, his voice almost a whisper as they both lay in the dark, the only light being the morning sun rising from outside.

As soon as Katya was fully asleep and Harry talked himself out of his fear of her death, he struggled to sleep and so pulled out his little pocket book and began to do what he does best when feeling completely overwhelmed.

He began to write by morning sunlight, his brows furrowed in deep concentration but softening when he often checked on Katya who was sound asleep beside him.

"You sunshine, you temptress."


Happy New Year my loves! I truly hope this new year brings you and your family so much happiness, confidence, love and good health.

I am grateful for all of you readers

Gigi xxx

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