The Test

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*The weekend passes by*

It's Monday morning and Nicole, Lola & Myself are sitting in the doctors office to get confirmation on Nicole's pregnancy and to see how far along she is! The doctor comes in the room and she says GoodMorning Ladies, we responded all synchronized GoodMorning Doc!

The doctor follows with alright so we're going to do a couple things today, we are going to get some lab work done, and all that good stuff to make sure everything is okay, and we are also going to do a ultrasound...but first I need you to go urinate in a cup for me please ma'am! Nicole says okay and she climbed down from the table and went to the bathroom!

Nicole shortly returns to the room, and the nurse comes in a removes the cup of urine and take it to the lab..the doctor is asking Nicole all types of family history questions! The doctor come back in with the results and says.........

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