We're Waiting

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Nicole starts to choke and stumble over her words! Me & Lola go stand on both sides of her! So she knows we got here back... Nicole *clears her throat* Today I found out that I was 15 weeks pregnant...

Al'lex yells out WHAT Are you serious? Nicole breaks out in tears! We look at everybody else faces to see that they are all stunned.. Al'lex storms out the house but he doesn't grab his keys so I know he isn't going anywhere! I tell the girls I'll be right back.. I fly down the stairs and out the front door! To find Al'lex sitting on the outside steps with his head in his arms!!

I walk up behind him and say boy what's the matter with you? He said sis she's pregnant! I said uhh duh I know I heard her and I was there when we got the results...he says why didn't you tell me?

I said that wasn't my place to tell you! He says your fuckin loyalty lies with me not her... I was stunned, the only words that I could make come out of my mouth was Wow! I finally found the words to say "regardless of the fact where my loyalty lies that was not my place nor my decision! She said she wanted to tell you so there it was!! I've held something from her that you didn't want me to tell and you wasn't worried about loyalty then so miss me with that bullshit..."

Al'lex stands up and he reaches his arms out to hug me, and he says you're right I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come at you like this! You know I don't like when we argue or fight..I'm sorry! I replied and said I know I'm sorry too. But get your ass in there with Nicole right now..

He says but how do you know I'll be a good father, I said because your mother raised a man, a strong man by herself..and she did a damn good job. Tina ain't no fool. She crazy but she ain't no fool.. It take a strong black women to raise her son on her own and make sure he's raised right...he looked at me and said you're right. Thanks sis!

*Al'lex goes in the house*

He scoops Nicole off her feet like the first time they'd ever met, and he says I'm ready! I can do this! We can do this! He sits her down and kisses her stomach and the back of her hand and he says I'm sorry baby, but I have something for you he reaches for his......

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