Back At It...

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My mind instantly goes blank..and my heart starts fluttering, just cause that's the first time I've seen him since we've broken up a few years ago. We've texted but never seen one another.. Now Richard Is Tall 6'0, A Caramel mooca color, lawdd with real good hair that you can just run your fingers in all day.. He was your average wanna be entertainer! He thought he was really funny & all the girls loved him..or maybe I'm just being salty about the situation, but anyways The girls & I are walking to go sit down since we have time to kill before our next we eating some gumbo and Nicole yells out "Gotdamnnn" Me and Lola says What what happened? What's wrong? Nicole replies and says this gumbo is really good.. Lola says really bitch! 😂😂😂

My phone dings and I know that text tone! Richard had texted me from across the cafe

Richard: You acting funny?
Me: Not at all..why?
Richard: You saw me and went in a different direction then where I was standing..
Me: I didn't reply
read message @ 11:46

*puts my phone down* so I continued eating.
We threw our stuff away and Lola states "alright y'all I gotta go by the dance room, we'll meet up again before our next class" Nicole says I'm going to the library! My reply to that was for what? Who you going to see? You know you don't go to no library for just anything! Nicole says oh whateva Brittany as she walks away...

I was just laughing until I realized that left me all alone, then shit wasn't funny after that *pulls phone out back pocket*

Starts typing:
Me: Y'all ain't shit, now I'm by myself..
Lola: 😂😂😂 oops
Nicole 😂😂😂😂💀

All of a sudden I feel hands wrap around my waist and its Richard of course...he was like can we talk for a second. I was like why not. I had time to spare while waiting on Lola & Nicole! So we started walking and before I knew we was at his on campus apartment. And we sat on his bed, and Richard says I really miss you! My reply was WHATEVA. He says I can show you better then I can tell you, Richard starts kissing on my neck and he leans me back and gets on top of me, and this feels sooo right but at the same time I know it's completely wrong... He starts kissing me passionately all over, and I feel his hand start unzipping my jacket, and lifting up my shirt and kissing and sucking all over my boobs then he unties my string in my joggers, his eyes nor his mouth ever left mines and he slides them down..........

BSM: The LifestyleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin