The Distraction

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I'm distracted by what's going on by 2 unread text message!

Lawrence: Hey My Love! I miss you sooo much! I know I've been kinda distance, I hate when my job sends me out of town, but I'm going to make it up to you tonight when I get back in town! * I hit reply quickly*

Me: Hey Bae I miss you too. I'm ready to see you! I hate sleeping alone..but I'm ready to see what you got up your sleeve and what all are you making up tonight?

Lawrence: Hmmm. I bet you would wanna know Huh? It's a secret..but I love you baby. I have to get back to work see you tonight 😘

Me: I love you too honey & okay see you soon! ☺️😘

I exit out of that message too Open the other unread messages!

Unknown: Hello Brittany, I've been trying to reach you, I haven't found the right timing I guess cause I always seem to catch your voicemail..but I have some news for you, I really hate to send it this way but I'm just going to come out with it...your fiancé was in a bad accident and he's been badly injured, we are sending him back to the states for better treatment... - Commander Shane

*My thoughts after reading that text my thoughts was holy shit this can't be life...I hope dee is okay, I mean he's only been gone for almost 7 months now, tears start to spark in my eyes, just because I've treated him completely wrong doesn't mean I don't care I just get caught up in the moment..hold up wait did he call me his fiancé?*

Lola intrudes on my think and say hey you snap out of it... I wipe my eye on the slick hopefully she didn't notice the tears! I finally started focusing on what's going on at hand..

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