The Ace of Fukurodani

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As practice starts, you take a seat the the side by the scoreboard. You can tell by their teamwork that Akaashi and Bokuto are well coordinated and clearly good friends. Each of them are perfectly in sync.

It's pretty amazing. Not just those two but the entire team is like clockwork. They have amazing players.

The team is split into two while they practice. It works like it would in an actual game. Akaashi sets up a perfect shot for Bokuto, but as he goes to hit it, the opposing side blocks and shoots it straight back down next to his feet.

Everyone looks around at each other and back at Bokuto. They look almost bored.

What? What's going on?

You then see Bokutos hair flop and he looks sadly at Akaashi.

"Akaashi...Don't set to me anymore!"
"Okay." He shrugs back.
You sit there confused as you watch Bokuto just stand around now, looking depressed.
Akaashis team lose the first set and take a quick break. He walks over to you and you ask what happened.
"We call it his 'emo mode', it's actually a common occurrence."
"I- what?"
"But. Say something nice to him"
"Just cheer for him quick."
You look confused but turn to the sad boy and smile.
"You did great Bokuto! You'll get the next one!"
His mood shifted instantly. Even his hair perked back up. You look utterly shocked. Akaashi just side eyes and smirks at you.
"Now just watch him."

The game starts back up and again, you were in shock. Bokuto was playing even better than before, all of his spikes were scoring.

Did...I do that?

You carry on cheering him on. It seemed like the more praise he got. The better he played.

The match went on, Akaashi and Bokutos side won by a long shot. After it was all over, Bokuto came bounding over to me.
"Did you see me? Now that is why i'm called the Ace!"
You just laugh at him.
"You did great, now go get changed. You smell"
"Awww, come on Akaashi. She doesn't appreciate manly smells."

You start to leave and head home when you hear Bokutos voice,
"Hey! I just realised I never caught your name?"
"Oh. Yeah. It's (Y/N)."
"Glad to meet you (Y/N)"
"You too. Goodnight."
"Woah wait up. It's late. What way are you going home?"
You point in the direction of home.
"Great. I'm going that way too so I'll walk you."

Akaashi heads in the opposite direction and we say goodbye. Walking down the road, you and Bokuto chat about what your life was like at home.

"Well this is my apartment. Thank you for walking me."
You smile up at him as he stares at you.
"Hey so why did you actually watch our game today?"
"Oh, well i was thinking of joining the girls volleyball team so Akaashi invited me to watch and see what it's like."
"I hope my playing skills left an impression on you." He winks as he turns to leave in the direction we came in.

Wait. Did he go out of his way to walk me home?

You feel your cheeks heat up.

Snap out of it. He's just being a gentleman.

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