Our first night

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I can't believe he just said that. Why not just let me go home?

Bokuto laughs softly before opening his loud mouth. "Ah, sorry. But she is right, it's late and i know you wouldn't let me walk you since i'm already at home. So you're staying here."
"Hmfph, in that case. can i please go shower?"
"sure, i'll get you towels and some clothes."

This shouldn't feel weird. It's not the first time we've slept in the same room, it's just like after my party after all. I overthink the whole situation as i get in the shower.

This time is different though. Last time there was our whole group. Now it really is just us. But i'm sleeping on the floor so why am i thinking so hard about this. GOD. stop it.

I stop the water and dry my body, grabbing Bokutos shirt. It smells just like him. Why does he always smell so damn good? I ignore my thoughts and get dressed, tying my hair in a towel and heading to his room.
"Hey! how was the shower? Do my clothes fit okay? You're so small so i wasn't sure if the shorts would be okay."
"Yes everything is fine dummy, you seem awfully caring right now"
"well i wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable"
He must be the most energetic and forgetful person i know. Yet he's always so thoughtful about me.

"Oh I forgot. We haven't eaten dinner yet. Come with me and we can cook something together!"

I follow him to the kitchen as he grabs ingredients to make some rice and beef. It's almost too obvious that he's about to cook his favourite food. I don't think i've ever seen him eat anything else.

We tie each others aprons on and get cooking, he's good at it. but god does he leave a mess everywhere. "You know. We look like a newly wed couple right now." I freeze, completely taken aback by his statement. How is he always so bold? "I- I mean, if you say so, Kuto" I blush and laugh.
"Hey, only my mum calls me that, stop it." Pouting, he crosses his arms before flicking my forehead.

After eating, we head back to his room and sit on the bed to watch another movie. It was Bokutos choice this time and he put on an action film i had no interest in, so i soon fell asleep.

-Bokutos POV-

I noticed as Y/N fell asleep in the corner of my bed while sitting up.

How did she fall asleep like that? She has to be uncomfortable. There's no way she found the film that boring.

I shrug and lay her down comfortably, gently pushing her hair behind her ear as she snores softly. "I guess i'm sleeping on the floor again" I chuckle as i get up from the bed. apparently making too much noise. "wait..." She mumbled and i turned to look at her sleepy face, "I won't make you sleep down there, come back." My eyes widened and face flushed tomato red.

She's still half asleep. There's no way she'd really ask me that.

Deciding to agree on the most comfy option, I get back into bed. I made sure to put pillows between us and gave us separate blankets. I never want to make her feel uncomfortable.

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