A surprising loss

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I knew Nekoma was a tough team, even Bokuto gave them high praise. Obviously still stating that they were no match for him. But this game was insane, hardly any of Fukurodanis spikes were getting past Lev. His height is very obviously his strongest trait as his playing skills aren't too great. But I can clearly tell he has a lot of potential. However, he is causing the most issues for Bokuto and i can sense he's losing motivation.

"Let's go Owls!" I yell to try and boost their spirits. They won the first set but are falling behind in the second. Akaashi is noticeably passing to Bokuto less and less and i can tell it's irritating him. They're slowly catching up now as Nekoma is focussed on the ace instead of the players actually trying to score.
"You know, this is ideal for the team now, if they take the focus off of Bokuto. Soon Akaashi will set for him again and we'll be able to win this." Yukies supportive words helped make me feel better. If they can't take this set, it's over and I don't want to see him lose to anyone.

The whole of Fukurodani stand in shock as Kenma throws a final set. Kuroo smashes it down through our blockers.

We...we lost. We really lost.

It was obvious even Nekoma were in surprise at this win. Bokuto even more so. He shakes hands with Kuroo as they thank each other for the game. But i can tell that this hurt him badly, even if it was just a practice match. I spot Bokuto marching towards me. Even just the way he walked, it was obvious how irritated he was.
"I'm sorry." He bows to me
"huh? why are you telling me that?"
"this was your first game as manager for us and I couldn't win. I don't deserve to be in the top 5"
"shut up, idiot. Of course you do. You played great. It's not your fault they have that insanely tall blocker!" The defeated captain try's to force a smile out.

I've never seen him so upset.

"when we get back home. will you come get some food with me?"
"absolutely. i'm starving"

The bus journey home was quiet. Most of the boys fell asleep but Bokuto was locked onto staring out the window. I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. He has to be replaying his mistakes over in his head. I feel so sorry for him, but i'll cheer him up soon enough.

"Come on, let's go get some food!" He nods and walks towards the restaurant with me. Completely silent. It almost scares me the way he's acting. Even as we eat, he keeps the talking to the absolute minimum. I have to force him to get a word out.

After dinner, Bokuto walks me home as usual. I can tell he's trying his best to talk but he was far too focused on the loss. I can't help myself.
"Why is this bothering you so much?"
"Nekoma has gotten so much stronger. It feels like we're falling behind. All the schools are improving so much. Even Karasuno is a close match for us now." I think i'm starting to get it.
"Bokuto. You know losing is important if you want to get stronger yourself."

He knows this already and stays silent again until we reach my flat. "Thank you for walking me. goo-" My sentence is cut off as I feel a hand cup the back of my head and a pair of lips touch mine. When we finally pull apart, his golden eyes meet mine. "i-i'm so sorry." He whispers and runs off back home.

He really just left me here. what the hell was that. so he really is into me? I'm so confused. It's probably just because of his overwhelming feelings right now. It didn't mean anything.

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