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It's Monday and you would be applying for the girls volleyball team after school. Your friends had already all text to tell you good luck, one of the members of the boys team Komi joked about you becoming their manager if you don't get in. It was a joke after all, but not a bad idea. Bokuto seems to play better with you around. Or at least that's what Akaashi told you. It's hard to tell if these boys are ever serious or not.

You spend lunch alone on the back field of the campus. As much as you love your friends, they're all very energetic and overwhelm you sometimes. It's nice to have a little break. Of course that doesn't last long as a certain Ace always notices when you ditch them.

"Hey! why are you out here?"
"I just wanted to sit alone"
"Oh okay! well since i'm here now, can i sit? i promise to be quiet,"
"yeah right idiot, you can't be quiet more than five minutes"
"can so"
"can not"

And then he kept quiet. He really did keep his mouth shut for the rest of lunch.

Did he really just want to be near me? That's crazy. He didn't even want Yui. There's no way he'd want me instead. Why am I even thinking about this? It doesn't matter that much.

"um...lunch is over but i was actually wondering if you wanted to come over to my house after your tryouts?"
"Sure! I'd love to, are you going to come watch?"
"definitely, i'll see you later on"
As Bokuto gets up to leave, you look down and blush.

He's seriously just a friend. Thats all he sees me as. Stop getting so worked up on him.

You walk into the gym and introduce yourself to the girls, Rika happened to be a middle blocker on the team so you spoke to her quickly about the tryouts. Once the team explained how this would work. You head over and take position, Noticing Bokuto leaning over the balcony to watch you.

Let's just say that football is very different to volleyball. The captain told you that you clearly had potential but would have to train longer before she let you on the team. Somehow you were satisfied with this and left the gym, Bokuto waited outside for you.

"HeyHey, you'll get it next time!" He always has a positive attitude towards other people, it's one of the best things about him.
"thank you but i won't be trying again."
"huh?" He tilts his head looking confused.
"well i heard that your team will be needing a new manager."
"Oh yeah! we will!" Honestly, he looked like an excited puppy. "So you'll be our manager!"
"I hope so"
"well as captain i'll be putting you straight on the team list" You laugh at how excited he is for this.
"after all you are my good luck charm..."
"huh? what was that?"
"n-nothing. i was just thinking about how we have a practise game against Nekoma this week, we can put you in and you can start then!"

The pair of you walk back to Bokutos house, this is the first time you've even seen where it is. You feel so nervous. Are you going to meet his parents? Does he have siblings? What does his house even look like? You pinch yourself to snap yourself out of it.

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