The Morning After

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You wake up at around 11am and notice Bokutos sleeping bag along with himself were gone from the room. You leave the bedroom and check around the flat.

Seems everyone's gone. Wait. What's that smell...

As you open the door to the kitchen, you spot a certain silver haired boy cooking something. You then stand there in shock as you realise that he's not wearing a shirt. He hums a song as he cooks away, you just watch him and lean against the doorframe. Smiling at how wholesome he is.
"It's rude to stare you know,"

He noticed me? How?

"I- Um- how come you're still here?"
"Well it felt rude to just leave like the others, so i was going to make breakfast and bring it in for you, I was hoping you'd be asleep a bit longer." He shrugs his shoulders as he hands you a plate of food.

You eat together and notice that he's a really good cook. "Where did you learn to cook so well?"
"My mum always teaches me new meals so i guess that's how."
"It must be nice to have a parent like that,"
"You don't?"
"Ah no, I lived with my Nana, both my parents decided they didn't want me..."
"Oh im sorry..."
"don't be."

The pair of you sit together and laugh about the night before. You hear your door knocking and you get up to go open it.


"Oh hey what's up?"
"I think i left my charger here last night."
"sure, come in and look for it," you smile and she just walks straight past you.
"Why didn't you check on me last night?"
"After what happened with Bokuto. Why did you leave me alone?"
"I-I'm sorry but i had to keep an eye on everyone. It was just a game after all."
"He humiliated me!"

Then Bokuto himself comes through the door, staring at her.
"You should be able to handle rejection." He spoke so calmly but firmly. You'd never seen him speak like this before. She instantly stares at his chest and abs.
"Oh I see, you didn't come after me because you wanted him yourself."
"Yui it's not like that at all."
"Oh really. it sure looks that way." She scoffs, grabs her charger and storms out of the apartment.

"I should probably go too."
"Um yeah sure. I'll see you at school."
"Sure thing, I had a lot of fun last night so thank you."

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