A new manager

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-Normal POV-

As you wake up, you begin to realise you aren't on the floor and turn over. You look stunned to see Bokuto asleep next to you.

I- What? Why are we both here together? Wait. It wasn't a dream?

Then you notice the pillow wall separating the pair of you. Smiling about how considerate the boy is, you shake him lightly. "Bokuto," you whisper. "Wake up. we need to get to school. your practice game is today."
"ughhhh." He groans and puts a pillow over his head. You realise quickly that he isn't wearing a shirt again. Slapping him, you tell him to get up and put some clothes on.
"Alright, alright" He then smirks at you. "Are you sure you don't like it?"

Oh fuck. He caught me staring.

You stutter. Unable to get a word out to defend yourself. "Oh no, its fine by me. I mean who wouldn't want to look at all this." He says while flexing. "You are such an idiot. Go get dressed"

You both arrive at Fukurodani, a slight bit late, but ready to get on the bus and go to Nekoma High School. Sitting with the third year managers, Yukie and Kaori, they introduce themselves, the basics of the team and what managers do. When you arrive at the school, Bokuto is greeted almost instantly by a tall Nekoma player.
"There's the airhead!"
"Ahh Roosterhead, it's been a while since we played against each-other"
"it sure has. but this time, we won't lose"

You didn't realise that they already knew the team, were they insulting each-other or friends? It was hard to tell. "Hey Y/N" Yukie calls to you.
"Let's head time the gym. The boys need to go get ready so we can help set up"
"Sure thing!" You run over to them and make your way over to set up.

Some Nekoma players were already doing warm ups and practicing. Including a boy who has to be 6"5. It was kinda scary looking at a boy over a whole foot taller than you. Clearly your fear was noticeable too. "That's Lev. He's a first year" A voice says quietly towards you. He seemed bored as he played a game on his phone. "wait. he's a first year"
"i know. it freaks me out too."
"i'm Y/N"
"i'm Kenma" He says bluntly before walking off.

Nekoma sure have some interesting players.

The game kicks off and Nekoma seem to be getting ahead to begin with. While Yukie gets drinks ready for the boys, you and Kaori keep score and cheer. As you yell out to Bokuto, he gets even more hyped up and starts hitting way more spikes.
"They flipped the set around!"
"That's the power of cheering for Bokuto"
You laugh and keep yelling praise at him. It's clear he aggravates the opposing team, and his own with his inflated ego.
"I never asked," Kaori speaks up and you look at her confused. "You seem very down to earth and mature, how did our simpleton ace manage to convince you to be his girlfriend?" You look utterly surprised at her question and begin to stutter.

Fuck. why am i so flustered?

"I- oh, um. no it's nothing like that. we're just really good friends. That's all"
"Oh i see. I apologise for assuming. You do seem to bring out the best in him though. Bokuto may be simple but there's an incredibly sweet boy underneath." You already know this of course but you smile. It's nice to know that others also see him for the kindhearted boy he is.

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