An Unexpected Night

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When we finally arrive at Bokutos house, all the lights seem to be out.
"Eh i guess my parents are out for a bit. Probably getting some food."
"Um will they know i'll be here when they get back?"
"huh? Oh they won't mind anyway, just know that my mum can be a little full on."
"coming from you? she must be a handful" I joke around a little as we go inside to the living room.
"Do you wanna watch a movie? I can go make popcorn?"
"Oooooh yes please, what film?"
"surprise me" He winks at me and goes to walk to the kitchen. I grunt and search through the films available

Ahuh, we can watch Tangled.

I smirk and sit there waiting for him to get back. When he finally does he returns with popcorn and all kinds of sweet snacks, pillows and blankets.
"This almost feels like a date" I tease him and notice his cheeks flush a faint pink.
"Oh well if you don't want anything i'll keep all the snacks and blankets to myself"
"awww no fair"
"what film did you choose?"
"just watch, shhh" Placing my finger to his lips, he makes a zipping motion as the film starts.

I'm not sure if i expected it or not. But as soon as the opening song started, Bokuto belted the song perfectly.
"you child!" Not being able to contain my laughter i yell at him as he laughs and sings.
"Oh you chose the film so i guess we're both just children"
"hmfph" I say stealing the popcorn away from him.
"you did not"
"i did"
"i'm gonna get you. and it'll look like a bloody accident" This boy always knows how to make me laugh. I have to wonder if i make him feel the same way.

We laugh together and eat and watch to our hearts content. Towards the end of the movie we hear the door click and his parents call out.
"Hey mum! Hi dad!"
"Bokuto honey could you help us with the- Oh, what do we have here?" His mother has a sweet voice.
"Hello! I'm (L/N)(F/N). It's so nice to meet you!"
"It's about time we finally got to meet you! Kuto here has been telling us about you since the first day of school!"
"I think that's enough. you need help with the food yes. I'll bring it all to the kitchen for you" I pause the film to wait for Bokuto to come back.

He's been talking about me. To his parents. what is this feeling? Why am i happy about it?

"Hey are you okay?" I snap out of my daydream. "oh um yes thanks. your mother is really nice"
"please. ignore her, I've never had a girl here before so she's a bit excited"
"Oh really. i'm the only one?" i raise an eyebrow at him.
"yes. specifically because my mum can be so full on but i think you'll get along"

Am i thinking too much into this? Does this really mean anything?

"Why is your face red?"
"i- oh i, nothing i just don't want to leave a bad first impression. if i'm the first girl she's met," I say, playing my bashfulness off by teasing him.

"Honey it's getting late now, is (Y/N) staying the night? we have sleeping stuff for her"
i shake my head and whisper "i don't have any clothes"
"Yeah she's staying if that's okay!"
"it's fine Kuto. Your father will set up a bed on your floor for her" I look at him confused
"i said i don't have anything?"
"it's fine. you can borrow my shirt and shorts"
I suddenly turn red again.

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