Chapter 10

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Third POV

A day after leaving for Coriakin's Island, things changed.

The weather shifted from calm with wind to strong, stormy weather with rain, thunder, lightning, and danger. The ship continues to thrash around and the crew shouts as they tried to get as much water off the deck with buckets. It has stayed like this for 2 weeks straight

Everyone was helping at some point. Except for one. Eustace was at the bottom of the ship, hiding, notebook in hand.

Captain Drinian, King Caspian, High King Edmund, and Lady Jessica all sat in the map room, resting from helping and planning what to do next with the storm.


Eustace's POV

"For reason beyond my comprehension, we've taken the advice of a senile old coot, who gifted my sister a dangerous weapon of death, who doesn't possess a razor and dawdles around in a dressing down. So we're back in this tub and lost in a tempest. Brilliant! Fourteen days of being tossed like a pancake and not the slightest sign of land. The only consolation is everyone is finally as miserable as I am. Except for that show-off talking rat and my sister. They're both the annoying "glass-is-always-half-full" type..."


Jessica's POV

"So we're stuck here," Drinian puts a marker down on the map, "at half-rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximum. This is your last chance to turn back, Your Majesties. There's no guarantee we'll spot the Blue Star anytime soon. Not in this storm. Needle in a haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place. We could sail right past it and fall off the edge of the world!" He states, trying to convince us.

"Or get eaten by a sea serpent." Ed adds, not realizing he's helping Drinian. Both Cas and I glare at him. "Who's side are you on?" I ask him. "Sorry." He added.

"I'm just saying the men are getting nervous. These are strange seas we're sailing, the like of which I've never seen before." Drinian says.

I see Cas lower his head, stressing out. I decide that I need to put my own thoughts into this conversation. I speak up catching everyone's attention.

"Then perhaps, Captain, you would like to be the one to explain to Mr. Rhince and Gael that we're abandoning the search for his wife and the mother of his daughter." I tell him, my voice stern and determined.

I see the Captain's face fall and I know that I've beaten him. He looks to Cas defeated and says, "I'll get back to it..."

"Just a word of warning. The sea can play nasty tricks on the crew's mind. Very nasty." He adds as he puts his rain jacket back on. He opens the door and leaves.

Both Ed and Cas look at me. "I always knew that you had a 'motherly' tone but that is the first time I've heard you use it... remind me not to make you mad." Ed says. We all laugh and Cas steps to me, holding onto the ceiling for balance.

"I'm proud of you, thank you for standing on my side." He says. "Always." I smile at him.

"It's best that we get some sleep, we're going to need energy to continue to take care of the storm." Cas says.

"We'll get through this storm eventually, Aslan will help us." I say. Ed and Cas all smile at me and we all leave to go to bed.


I pop my head into the room to see Lucy and Gael asleep on the bed, I smile at them and then look at the hammock we made for me since the three of us couldn't share the bed. I change into a nightgown and crawl into the hammock. I close my eyes and fall asleep, unaware of the green mist making its way into the room...

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