Chapter 1

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"Moon? Nova?" I look around and we nod at each other.

"We'll be back." Nova says as I walk out like nothing happened and Moon follows me.

"Are we ready?" Moon asks. "No." I say flatly.

"Du kippen ahirisha se elide meer." [You can't postpone the war anymore] Moon talks in Cellestanian, the ancient language of the Sky. 

"ich scio et pha können ich fanya ich ben in valmis aan menettää amata rhai akómi." [I know, but what can I do? I am not ready to lose loved ones yet]  I confess.

Moon looks at me, "du opus-" [you need-] She is cut short by Kenn.

"I don't even want to know how they remember those tongue twisters!" he says, we three smile at each other feeling the pride of being the only stars apart from the Council who can speak this language without making blunders.

"Hey, it's the most difficult language ever spoken. That is why you find it impossible to learn." Sheldon says; it's funny how he favors me even when he knows the others are right in their shoes.

"Did you see that Ion, how he favors her! He doesn't even speak Cellestanian and yet there he is." Roland makes a face. We all laugh and soon I spot Eric smiling at us.

What is Eric doing here? "Eric?" I call out.

"Hi! I hope you are fine now, Sera." What in actual hell! "Umm... Sheldon?" I look at him and give him a questioning look.

"Uh.. um yeah Scarlett, umm Eric knows everything about us and honestly am really happy to have him by my side now." he smiles. As much as I like the fact he has got someone so trustworthy am afraid his mortality will always be a threat to him. 

"Eric, am so glad to have you in our team!" I say anyway. I really am happy, he is a great friend of mine as well.

"My pleasure, Your Majesty." He winks at me and we laugh when Sheldon clears his throat.

"Keeping jokes apart, Sheldon, I need to meet the army." I tell him. 

"Sera, I think first we need you both to look normal." Rose points our condition out.

"Nat? Can you create an illusion here? I think we'll need to see ourselves first..." She moves her hands in a circle and bright light emerges out of them and a wall of illusion forms. 

That's Nova's power, she can make a reflecting surface even on grass. But it's her greatest and fiercest weapon too. She can fool a person by creating multiple illusions. And that's not it, she can make weapons made of diamonds, sharp and precise. She can make the deadliest of weapons in her playtime.

"Here you go." She smiles widely. We nod at her and look in the mirror. The first thing that catches my eye is the roux radiating from my body, everything about me is crimson. 

Everything I am is fierce. I run my fingers through my hair, the red streaks start disappearing, and the spark of fire in my eye dilate to become normal pupils. Just after my face loses the anguish my dress made of fire vanish into thin air leaving my casual clothes on me, gradually the red light extinguishes along with the excess heat.

I am back to my mortal look, and so is Sheldon.

"Let's go." Moon says.

Right then I see Eric, "hey! Wait." I call out. "what about Eric, how will he travel?" "He'll fly with me." Sheldon says. I thought we'll be flying together... it's okay, Scarlett, you gotta let him spend some time with his friends.

"Umm Eric, come here, I'll help you." Moon says. 

"Orion? I need you to create a vacuum around Eric, Eric don't worry I know this is confusing but I am just setting you up so that you can fly on your own. Ion? Do it." He nods knowing exactly what he has to do. 

I discharge my stardust at Ion and he concentrates all of it on his palms and discharge them on Eric's his back, the pennons start forming. I can see each and every golden feather form with detail. I remember the day I learnt to control them, anyhow soon the process is complete. The fog clears, and Eric emerges from the dense fog.  

"Whoa!" Orion says. Eric looks at himself in the mirror, and just as he turns around he falls back.

" You did not." He squeaks. I smile at him. "For being there for both of us when we weren't together. Also, I know what this asshole did when you were coming here two days ago." I say glancing at Sheldon.

"Are these real?" he asks, touching the edge of his golden wings delicately. "Real and yours forever." Sheldon smiles.

"Did you just call The Heart of The Court of Light, an asshole?" he squints his eyes at me. "Yes mortal Sheldon Smith Parker I called you an asshole." all of us laugh at his expense. 

"before we leave, Scarlett, one last question." Eric says. "do you believe in the final chance?" I notice everyone's interests are peeked up all of a sudden. I look at Eric, through him, in fact. I see curiosity, determination and... passion? Oh my!

"No Eric, I might fight the king or even Moira but I don't believe in the rumors. All I know is I am cursed and the fact that this is a cycle I don't know how to break." I say hoping I have made myself clear.

Now you'll pay 

The Creator! Something's not right, I close my eyes and try to feel it but I don't see any star in danger. But something is up... Oh no not that.

Fire and Ice- The Undone Imminent WarOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant