Part 15(Finale)

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'Youngjae?' Jinyoung's shocked to see Youngjae here.

There were also Yugyeom and Bambam tagged along with him then, Jackson with his boyfriend Jinyoung doesn't know.

Most surprisingly, there was Mark with them?

Youngjae was excitedly waving at him and walking towards him when he just standing there like a statue.

'Eh...What to do?'

"What are you doing by yourself!? Are you coming back from dinner!?" Youngjae asked Jinyoung.

"Um Um Well..." Jinyoung's in sweat and couldn't find any words.

At the moment, Jaebeom showed up holding two cups of coffee.

"Thanks for waiting..." He said to Jinyoung with a grin but saw Jinyoung was kind of stiff and awkward and not responding.

Then he saw all the other kids from Jinyoung's class including Mark.

"Eh...Jaebeom...Did you hang out with him!?" Youngjae bluntly asked as he saw Jaebeom.

"Seriously!? Are you guys going out!?" Bambam's question came up like bomb making all of their eyes wide in surprise. Like "Seriously?"

Jinyoung immediately waved his hands in denial before he even knew it.

"No it's..."

"I haven't heard about it yet...when did this happen?" Jackson asked with the look of expectation and everyone was doing the same.

'Should I just tell them everything? About me and Jaebeom? What if they feel betrayed if I do now?'

Jinyoung was hesitating... He seemed worried and spacing out.

"Hey...Jinyoung?" Youngjae slightly shook Jinyoung's shoulder.

Then Jaebeom stepped in sensing that Jinyoung was in a tight situation.

"...Ah What a coincidence~ Everyone. I've a home party right now~ I came just now to shop...Then! Everyone have a great Christmas!!" He said with a smile that seemed pained and walked away from them as quick as possible.

Jinyoung was like 'What?! What just happened?'

The friends would be actually happy even if they were actually dating...but because of Jaebeom's words...they got a bit confused except Youngjae.

"Jae..." Jinyoung tried to call him but Jaebeom already rushed away into the crowd.

Chatters... Jinyoung couldn't hear it anymore. Only he could see was the back of Jaebeom who walked away from him. He felt chocked up inside.

"Ah...then Jinyoung, if you have no other plans let's go to eat some cake. We also have Mark here" Yugyeom invited Jinyoung.

"Let's go Let's go." Bambam excitedly shouted.

Meanwhile, all the memories of Jaebeom being so hyped and expected their Christmas date...And how he prepared for him...and how himself enjoyed their date so far despite all the mess.

"What am I doing? I'm the worst." Jinyoung murmured as his head drooped.

"Jinyoung-ah...What's the matter?" Youngjae asked.

At first he wasn't ready to open up about his dating life to his friends...

Not because of a particular reason...He happened to be stalling it to this day...

After some time past, it became more difficult for him to come out.

Then Jinyoung's lips were turning into a sad frown and tears started shedding.

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