5 Getting to Know You

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Axton slammed his head against his special spot on the wall. A small blood stain sat in the middle. Of course it did. Of course it was dented permanently. Why wouldn't it be? He'd just bounced his head off of it countless times by now. Trying to curve his anger so he could actually talk to his mate.

She wasn't his main problem. The people in his pack had gotten worse. If it rained they would surely drown. Even if they were underground in a storm shelter. Snobby ass wolves were ruining themselves. Digging the pack's graves as they did so.

The worst thing of all is that his parents were still behind the scenes. Working against him. He still looked like their puppet. Their little doll. A mere child playing house. He be gritted his teeth and went to hit his head against the wall again.

"Stop. That's enough idiot. Linzie will worry as it is when she sees you again. You have bruises, you've been battered in front of her, and you won't let her help you sorry ass. If she were near you more you'd heal twice as fast."

"Shut up. I can't afford to let her in right now. I can't let them see her. I can't let them destroy her. Like they did Tia. I will personally end anyone who lays so much as a finger on her. Besides me. "

"I won't allow you to lay a finger on her Axton. I'll send you into the darkest space of your miserable mind, and show you what true depression and darkness is. She is our mate. Not our punching bag. She is an omega. Much weaker than others. If I'd let you punish her at all the day she tried to help you and those kids she might be hospitalized. You are to strong for that! I raised you better!"

" I.. you didn't... " He sighed and slumped down to the floor. " Yes, Wolfe. I know you did. I need help. "
Tears of frustration slipped down his cheeks. He sat there crying silently. His mind Inna spiral. He didn't hear anything around him.

"Then stay calm right now. It's a big first step in the right direction. " Wolfe warned.

Before he could ask what he meant a frail pair of arms wrapped around him. He gasped, and started to try to push her off. Yet, his body betrayed him to his true buried emotion, and he turned quicky hugging her close. Her smell invaded his senses, and it send him right back into a better state of mind.

" Shouldn't you be in lessons right now Little Cliche? " He asked softly. His voice was strained still, but at least it came out.

She giggled a little. He was holding her to tightly to really look at him, but this was nice for a change. " Yes Sir. But, I snuck out. Vex is going to be the death of me. I don't know how he thinks I can keep up with his teaching.. I can barley walk bare foot and he wants me to wear six inch heels and walk straight with my arms behind my back? The first time I tried I almost fell down the stairs..."

"The stairs? The lesson room is nowhere near the stairs. " He stated clearly confused.

"Long story short.. I was wearing a dress, I dropped the book he had on my head, knelt to pick it up since that's proper instead of bending over, my shoe caught the fabric of the dress, I stumbled out into the hall way in a ball of silk and fluff, and started rolling like a mad woman. Tia caught me or else I would have probably broken something. " She shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Axton was shocked however. Not everyone was this clumsy. Not to mention lucky as well. She was truly something. " How the hell are you alive." He muttered resting his head on hers before picking them up off the floor. " I'll tell him to dial it back a bit. " He offered a small smile.

" In any case I have great news. " He smiled brightly. It was the best he'd gotten Inna while. " Mika and Jayce have set the date for their wedding! " He beamed.

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