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Anna couldn't believe what Ben just asked her. Did he like her? Was he referring to her and why was she even concerned when she didn't like him.

He probably was talking about someone else because Ben was the type of guy that had lots of girls drooling over him.

Anna tried to maintain her composure and act unaffected by his question while replying,
"It's always obvious when someone likes you, their actions speak".

He turned to her and continued "so there's this girl I like, I'm not sure I've told you about her before, her name is Jane and she's a model too".

Anna could hear the excitement in his voice as he talked about her.

"Yeah you mentioned her to me last semester" Anna replied, feeling very disappointed.

"So yes, what do you suggest I do? Should I tell her I like her?"
"Yes you should Ben, tell her how you feel, perhaps she feels the same way too" Anna said.

At that moment, Anna decided that she was done thinking about the kiss and wondering if it ever meant anything to Ben. He was clearly besotted by someone else and she had to protect herself from unnecessary hurt.

They still had their friendship and she was going to do everything in her power to make sure the kiss was forgotten.

"Thank you very much for listening, I appreciate it" Ben said, getting up to leave.
"You are always welcome"she said giving him a very big smile.

Ben got up and stretched his hand to pull Anna up but she declined.
She needed some time to herself so they said goodnight and Ben left.

After sitting alone in the park for a long time, she got up and went back to her room, deciding to never think of Ben in a romantic way ever again.

Anna was about to sleep when Queen came back. She really wasn't in the mood for any conversation but she didn't want Queen prying so she just had to act okay.

"Can you believe Judah isn't going to the bus station with me tomorrow", Queen told her.

Anna knew that Judah was really busy but she was still mad at him for not making time for his girlfriend that came back because of him.

She didn't want to say anything to further aggravate Queen so she made some lame excuse for him.

She knew it wasn't enough and something was definitely up with Judah but she promised never to interfere in their relationship again after the last time.

"Try and get some sleep because you'll be up early", she told Queen because she was already sleepy.

Anna felt someone nudge her gently and she opened her eyes to see Queen already dressed.

"Are you ready to leave?", She asked while yawning.
"Yes, I'm done, I just have to tell Serena now".
"Ok, give me a sec so that I can brush my teeth".

Anna brushed her teeth and dressed up. She didn't want to wear her wig, but later decided to wear it.

After she was done, she went to Serena's room to get them and they all walked to the gate together.

When they arrived the gate, Anna stopped a bike but Queen told her to let the bike go because she wasn't ready.

"Why don't you want to go now?", Anna asked grumpily.
"Because I'm waiting for Ben, he will be here soon".

Anna didn't think that Ben was meeting up with them. She was planning to avoid him till whatever confused feelings she had passed. Apparently that was not going to happen.

Ben finally came to meet them there after they waited for a few minutes.

Queen said her goodbyes to them and they finally stopped a bike for her.

After Queen left, Ben said bye to them to and went back home, perhaps to continue his sleep.

Anna was glad that when she saw Ben, she didn't get nervous and her heart wasn't racing as fast as it used to.
She had definitely put the feelings behind her and she congratulated herself silently as they walked back to the hostel.


Unloving YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin