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This chapter is dedicated toBiamLois8Happy birthday little's the chapter you've been waiting for.

Ben couldn't believe what just happened.

He felt very terrible for not being able to control himself.

How did he let things get out of control that he made out with Anna?

One minute they were watching movies and the next they were making out.

The damned girl pushed him too far so he had to prove to her that he was capable of so many things.

Now he had to live with the consequences of his actions.

He never imagined he will be making out with Anna until it happened.

She was always this very rude and annoying girl that was Judah's friend and he had to be cordial with.

Now he has gotten into a whole big messy situation. He knew things between them was going to be awkward but he couldn't do anything about it. They will just learn to live with it.

What worried him the most was Queen or Judah finding out about the making out. They were going to be so pissed at him. After all they both left her in his care and the only way he cared for her was by making out with her.

ANNA!! the girl was a very infuriating creature. Its like she always found new ways of getting on his nerves. Now he has done something he regrets. He wished he didnt let her words get to him.

He always prided himself with been able to control himself at all times but the one time he needed the control, it failed him.

He had to make sure Queen or Judah didnt find out about their activities so he decided to ask Anna for her secrecy as ridiculous as that sounded.

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