Sticky Notes

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Jennie Kim pushes the cart through the library with heavy footsteps. She's been working at the library for a few days now. The pay is minimum wage, the location isn't that great, and her boss could use a breath mint once in a while. Being a librarian isn't her ideal job, but she can't complain especially with the economy being so rough.

Although, she does wish her work days would be more interesting.

Not too much happens in the quiet atmosphere. People usually have their noses buried in novels or are typing rapidly away at the computers. It's almost as if conversation does not exist in the library.

And Jennie is starting to get bored of it.

That is, until she sees a peculiar sight.

Jennie does a double take as she passes the aisle for Science Fiction. At the very far end of it, is a body sprawled out onto the floor. She raises her eye brow in confusion.

I hope she's not dead. I don't think libraries have insurance for these types of scenarios.

Carefully, she creeps closer to the body. She is able to make out the figure more properly now. The body on the floor belongs to a girl with fairly light skin. She's breathing evenly, indicating life. If Jennie had to guess her age, she guesses 16 or 17. She looks completely peaceful while sleeping. Scattered all around her are open books of Harry Potter, books one through seven.

Jennie lets out a small laugh.

Is she reading the entire series at the same time?

Jennie is now standing above the sleeping girl. The glint of the rectangular name tag pinned to her chest catches Jennie's attention. She reads it softly to herself.

"Lisa Manoban."

Jennie stands still, unsure of what to do. Should she leave her be? Wake her up? The questions swirl around in her head until she notices the position the girl's head is in.

Eh... She looks sort of uncomfortable.

The top of the girl's head is leaning slightly on the wall, while the rest of it is on the floor.

She's going to get a crick in her neck.

Jennie kneels down and gives the girl a slight shake.

"Hey, wake up."

The girl doesn't stir at all.

Jennie gives her a slightly harder shake.

Again, there is no movement from the girl.

Dang, she's a heavy sleeper. Oh well.

Jennie stands up and is about to walk away, but then an idea pops up into her head. She walks back to the library cart and takes the sticky note stack from the bottom shelf. Then she takes the pen from her pocket and uncaps it with her mouth. Quickly, she writes a short note. After she is finished, she walks back to the sleeping girl and grabs one of the thinner books on the floor. She lays it next to the girl's head and carefully moves the girl's head, laying it on the book. Lastly, she sticks the note onto the girl's forehead.

Jennie grins. "Thanks for giving me some entertainment."


An hour later, Lisa flutters her eyes open. She stares at a blurry image of a yellow square outlined above her eyes.

What the?

Her hand rises and feels the texture of the square.


She peels it off her forehead, now aware that it's a sticky note. Groggily, she reads the note to herself.

 Groggily, she reads the note to herself

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It takes a few moments for her to digest what the note really means. When she does, she lets out a slight laugh. She tosses the note aside and closes her eyes.

I still feel sleepy.

She rolls over and is met with a surprise when her head drops slightly and reaches a lower level.


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