Chapter 23

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Two days later, Sloan and Grayson are sitting in the bed watching The Little Mermaid on the TV. Grayson smiles as Sloan sings along with "Part of Your World", looking over at the girl who's eyes were locked on the screen. She could feel his gaze on her but didn't look, knowing she would blush if she saw his gaze. 

"What?" She asks with a laugh when the song ends, looking over at him. 

"Nothing." He says, shaking his head, the smile never leaving his face. "I just love listening to you sing." Sloan smiles and looks down, hoping her hair hides her blush. 

"Ready to go kiddo?" Jensen asks, entering the room. 

"Beyond ready." She tells him. "Can someone help me to the bathroom so I can change?" Grayson slides out of the bed so Jensen can carry the girl to the bathroom, handing her the bag of clothes Scarlett brought from her trailer. She sits on the toilet lid and digs through the bag, pulling out a comfortable outfit for the drive home. 

She pulls off the scratchy hospital gown, trading it for a green t-shirt that says Don't rush me. I'm waiting for the last minute in big white letters. She carefully pulls on a pair of grey cotton shorts, knowing she'll be cold but not wanting jeans to bother the stitches in her leg. She carefully stands up and hops on her right leg to the door, pulling it open and hopping to the bed, turning and falling on it when she reaches it.

Sloan ignores the looks from the three males as she grabs her black converse from beside the bed. She slips her feet in, wincing when pain shoots up her left leg as she shoves her foot into the shoe. Jensen approaches and ties her shoes before grabbing the bag from the bathroom. Sloan grabs her phone and slips it into her pocket as Jared brings the wheelchair in front of the bed and helps Sloan into it. She sits down and takes her bag from Jensen, placing it in her lap as he takes his place behind the chair, pushing her out of the room.

When they reach the car, Jensen puts the brakes on the wheelchair before picking Sloan up and placing her in the passenger seat of the truck. He goes back to fold up the chair and puts in the bed of the truck as Jared steps forward.

"See you when you get home." He tells her, giving her a hug. Sloan smiles and returns it. 

Jared and Grayson are flying to Texas to pack bags for Sloan and Jensen sow they can go straight to the lake house. They're also giving Danneel a ride to the house and will stay with her until they get there.

"See you when I get home." She repeats, pulling away. Grayson hugs her next before the two hop in the taxi that was waiting for them. Jensen gets Bandit in the backseat before he gets in the driver's seat and they hit the road. They begin the long drive to Texas, filling the silence with music or conversation.

They stop in Tennessee, halfway home, when Jensen got too tired to drive anymore. The two debated getting a motel room but eventually decided to just sleep in the truck. That way they wouldn't have to wrestle with the wheelchair and it'll save some time since they won't have to pack anything, they can just start driving again when Jensen wakes up. He pulls off on some backroad, getting as close to the woods as possible, before turning the car off. The two lay their seats back and Sloan grabs the blanket she always keeps in the backseat, throwing it over her body before she slowly drifts into a light sleep.

When Sloan wakes up the next morning, she sees that they're already on the road. She sits the seat up, the blanket falling from her shoulders, and looks around, brushing her hair out of her face. 

"Well, look who's finally awake." Jensen says with a smile, looking at her briefly. 

"Where are we?" She asks groggily. 

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