Chapter 44

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Saturday 10:00 am

Jerks! Jerks! Jerks!  Men were all jerks.  They asked for the truth, practically begged for it and then they got mad when it didn't fit in their perfect universe.  Men.  The hell with them.  Especially the nice ones.  They were the worst of all.

Why did Matt have to push her? Jean asked herself, as she trudged uphill back to campus. Why had she told him about Paul?  Why did he have to react like that? Like he was too good for her. Her thoughts waveredMaybe he was too good for her?  After all, he hadn't slept with her roommate then lied about it later on.  Jean squeezed her keys into her fist, punishing herself by digging their edges deep into her skin. 

Reaching the door of her apartment, she tried to slide her key into the slot.  It slipped to the ground with a clatter.  Cursing, she tried again, but the key didn't seem to want to fit.  She took a deep breath.  It wasn't the key that was the problem; it was her.  She really didn't want to go inside, not after all that had taken place recently.  Despite her morning thoughts about Erik and Paul, whatever had happened to Megan still had her spooked.  Today, this minute, I get the locks changed.  Fighting back her fear, she opened the door.  It looked exactly as she'd left it.  She could even smell rugby sweat if she leaned over the chair where Paul had sat.  Quickly she got up and sat where Matt had been.  If she closed her eyes, she could feel his hands on her shoulders.  This is ridiculous, Jean swore. I need to forget about both of them.  Then the grin struck again, 'course both of them together, now that's a thought. Jean decided to head straight for the shower. Turning the water on blissfully hot, she tried to steam her problems away.

Bang!  Bang!  Someone pounded on her door, then rang the doorbell over and over, but she never heard them.  Deep in suds and soap, she ignored the world.  Getting no answer, Matt had no choice but to slide a note under her door. Unaware of what was going on outside, Jean sang grumpy love songs under water.

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