Chapter 10

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George tightened his grip on the stone sword, swinging it harder at the large oak tree in front of him. 

It had been four days since he had arrived in the base, and combat training was his first priority.

Dream was seated under the same tree, away from the trunk George was hitting, observing his friend's strikes and movement. 

The pair was training in the middle of an open plain within the base, devoid of any people. They had a training hall with some built in dummies, and practice materials for sword fighting, but Dream insisted there was too many people and too much noise there. 

So George's first target ended up being a tree. A very hard tree. 

"George, that's barely enough to deal damage to a chicken." Dream ridiculed, causing his friend to just roll his eyes at him. 

"I bet you were hardly any better your first time." George retorted, causing Dream to just scoff at his friend. 

That was indeed true, Dream wasn't any better his first time, but he just ignored him, refusing to admit it.

George took another deep breath before hitting the tree again, this time stronger and enough to at least make some sort of noise. 

He needed to get good with this sword. 

They needed to beat this game

His life depended on it. 

His friends' lives depended on it. 

Dream's life depended on it. 

George could remember all those times wherein he used wonder what made beating the game so hard. With 50,000 thousand players beating the Enderdragon should have been easy and simple, right?


The game was scaled like crazy making drops insanely rare. 

Players were in hardcore minecraft, meaning not only did they die when killed, but they also took more damage. 

The end portal needed 1200 eyes to fill. 

And there were people, some with the ability to infinitely respawn, out to kill them.

What kind of mess did George get himself into?

"You two practicing?" Sapnap asked as he walked towards them causing the pair to look at him.

"Not the two of us, just this idiot, I'm trying to teach him how to use a sword." Dream answered gesturing for Sapnap to sit next to him. 

Sapnap faked a face of disgust. "The hell, don't use a sword. Axes are better, way more powerful!" 

"They're too fucking heavy." George complained, taking a break from swinging his weapon and leaning against the tree he was previously hitting. He had already tried using an axe but dropped the idea the moment he tried picking it up. "I can barely even lift them."

"I'm just stronger than you George." Sapnap grinned.

"No, you're just slower. You use and axe because you're so reliant on a shield, which slows you down to the point you can't get two consecutive hits with a sword." Dream smugly responded. 

A proud smirk appeared on George's face as he eyed his friend. "Is that true, oh Sappitus Nappitus?" 

"I bet I could beat you in a fight." He answered causing George to just shut up and continue hacking at the tree. 

Fighting in this game was much harder than George would've liked it to be though. While many aspects of this world remained true to minecraft, combat was changed entirely, now requiring much more skill and precision. 

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