Chapter 21

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Dream was beautiful.

And George was completely and utterly speechless.

He just sat there, unsure of how to react as Dream awkwardly shifted between smiles and light bursts of laughter.

Because this was Dream, his best friend's face, his mask off.

His eyes were the most stunning shade of green George would never get to truly see. And his smile, finally completely shown,more real and perfect than he could ever have imagined it.

Then there was silence, but it wasn't awkward, nor was it tense or empty. It was more so two people, processing how much this moment meant to them, what it truly was.

It was a lot, it meant a lot.

Dream was wearing the brightest smile he could muster as he looked back at his friend, giggling lightly at his reaction.

His smile, tainted by tears.

Tears from the conversation that was just moments ago, tears stemming from the conflict between them and tension of the situation. Tears from the fear of losing his best friend, a fear that followed him around everywhere he went. A fear that would never truly leave him.

Tears that would have gone unnoticed, unseen if it weren't for the removal of his mask.

But now his emotions were out, and those doubts were gone, finally visible, no longer hidden by his mask.

He chuckled again, but George found the laugh so much more comforting, seeing his friend's expression soften and face beam into a glowing smile along with it.

That smile that felt so real, so genuine. Nothing like the one he wore on his mask, just a fake, used to hide the hurt underneath.

Dream suddenly leaned in closer, clasping George's hands close to his chest, an unmistakable expression on his face.

So unmistakable, and yet George couldn't quite put his finger on it.

So familiar, and yet George couldn't quite tell what it was.

"I trust you George." He said, his dimples showing as he looked back at his friend. His tone was happy, seemingly free and open, and yet George could hear the small cracks in his voice.

Dream was nervous.

He could tell that, and he found it amusing. But he could also hear the fear beneath his voice, an emotion he was trying so hard to repress, to keep away.

Fear from the risk of losing his best friend, of messing everything up more than he already had.

This was his attempt at fixing it, at mending their friendship.

And that attempt started with trust, it had to start with trust.

A small giggle escaped George's lips, as he sent his friend a smile, not bothering to argue back for he already knew it was true.

He really did. Dream truly did trust him.

Or at least he was trying to, and that was good enough for him.

That was good enough, it was more than enough.

And just knowing that brought an unmistakable warm feeling into George's chest as he tried his best to stifle back his tears.

Tears of joy, pure and utter joy.

In a quick movement, he let go of Dream's hands, throwing him into a hug as he buried his face into his shirt, feeling comfort at the sudden warmth it brought.

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