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Warning  --  Mild BxB fun stuff ..... 

"What would you like to wear today, sweetie ?"  Larry asked his daughter.  He was trying to help her decide what it was she wanted to wear for their family day out.  She had to look good to go shopping, of course, as any self respecting seven year old, nearly eight she would remind you, would.  Larry just giggled at her, and with her.  The two of them had such a special bond, not only because of the circumstances under which she was conceived and born, but because they nearly lost her.  He nearly lost her.  And because he saw Michael in her every day.  And just like he had told Lau back then, when he could so easily have turned into another Deborah, when the memories of Michael were no longer painful, he could enjoy his daughter.  And that had happened a long time ago, and he was enjoying her immensely.  

"So, which is it, Princess ?  Blue jeans, cute crop top, sandals and sunglasses, very St Tropez ...."  he gushed, fanning his face, fluttering his eyelashes, "Or jean skirt, white lacy top, boots and bag, very runway ....."  he enthused, puckering his lips and blowing Michaela a kiss, like a diva.  She just laughed at his silliness and decided on the "St Tropez" look.

"Good choice, girlfriend"  they high fived.  "OK, can you be ready in 20 ?  Good girl, I have Kayden to supervise, and goodness only knows how papa's doing, do you ?"  

"They're probably playing games"  Michaela suggested, rolling her eyes to the heavens.

"Yeah, I know.  Boy's, right ?"  Larry joked.

"But you're a boy, daddy", she observed.  Yes, yes I am.  He smiled at her, planting a soft kiss on that beautiful, glorious hair of hers.  "20 minutes, and don't forget teeth !"  he warned, leaving her to her own devices to get dressed, while he went in search of her brother and his father.  

He and Laurent had decided to tell Michaela about Larry's "uniqueness" as and when necessary, and on a "need to know" basis.  As yet, she didn't need to know, she was only seven.  But it wouldn't be long, in a year or two, maybe before, if her peers and their parents started getting nosy, or decided they should be the ones to tell Michaela about her father, they would intervene.  But right now ?  Having two parents who loved each other, and growing up in such a loving home, was all she needed right now.  

But sometimes, she would come out with things right out of left field, taking them aback a little, only for he and Laurent to exchange loving looks, as if to say  --  We've been through a lot, haven't we ?  --  Or Laurent would whisper in Larry's ear, holding him close  --  I'm so proud of you, you are an amazing parent  --  and his sweet words would make Larry blush.  

As Larry walked the upstairs hallway to Kayden's bedroom, he peeked inside the door, where he expected at least some movement, only to find ..... nothing.  Crickets.  

"Kayden ?  Where are you, sweet ?"  

"In here with papa !"  Larry took a large breath, and released it with somewhat of a frown.

"Why aren't you ready yet ?  You're not even ....... Laurent !"  The two most precious men in his life were sat on the edge of his and Laurent's bed, controllers in hand, eyes glued to the big screen in front of them.  He found them both, as Michaela had so astutely predicted, playing a computer game, you know the one where the alligator had to cross a busy freeway without getting squished.  Laurent's tongue was escaping the side of his mouth, his brow furrowed in concentration, as he hammered the buttons with his thumbs.  Kayden just sat quietly at his papa's side, hoping he'd let him have his turn before they had to go out.  Against his better judgement, though, Larry found it amusing that Laurent could get so wrapped up in a child's game.

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now