12 -- BROKEN

347 25 58

Warning  --  Hate Speech, bxb Kiss

Larry slept little that night.  He could feel Laurent, feel his unease, his fear, his love.  Larry was worried about his little girl too, how was she doing ?  Physically she'd be fine, he thought, she was a hardy little thing, just like her fathers, but psychologically ?  How were they both doing ?  How were they all going to be when this was all over ?  He hated to think, literally.  He didn't want to think about it, ever.  That they would have to "fix" this, fix themselves.  That they would have to fix their entire family.  Seb Cole had already got his way, hadn't he ?  If he released them all, safe and sound, to go home today, none of them would ever go back to the way things were, because of him.  And Larry hated him even more, just because of that.  

By the next day, nothing much had changed.  Jack had gone home, at Larry's request, but had returned the next morning, with Leyla and Kayden and breakfast, and with clean, fresh clothes.  All of which made Larry cry.  Again.  To be able to hug his son, but not his daughter.  To be able to hug his friend, but not his husband.  Every hour on the hour, it seemed, he would have a breakdown, thinking he couldn't endure much more.  But then he thought about Laurent and Michaela, that they didn't have a choice, that they wanted to be with him too, that they wanted to go home, but couldn't.  So he literally, sucked it up, and just got on with it.

Leon was at Larry's side almost constantly.  When he and his boss weren't organising, planning, arranging and talking, Leon would be with Larry.  Talking to him and with him, listening to his worries and his fears.  Larry told him he and Lau's life story, probably, asking for his forgiveness for boring him with it.  They ate together, laughed together, cussed and shouted at the world and the sky.  Hugs were normal when parting now, and not a bro hug or a handshake either.  Leon felt a little guilty, because this was not how he should be acting with a principal hostage's family or spouse.  He was supposed to give advice, support and guidance only, and he knew he was bordering on irresponsible.  He should not get emotionally involved, not get close.  But he couldn't help it, he was drawn to Larry.  Larry needed him. 

Larry mentioned to Leon, that he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.  That something wasn't quite right, even for as dire a situation as this was already.  He had something else up his sleeve, he knew it and he could feel it.  He was just waiting for it to happen.  And just the thought made his heart clench, and his stomach churn.

As it grew dark, in a quiet corner of the police tent, Larry and Leon were talking again, Leon giving Larry any updated news and information.  Seb had allowed another meal to be delivered, much to his relief, he hated the thought of Michaela being hungry more than Laurent.  Laurent could understand hunger, Michaela could not.  A few minutes after leaving the tent, Leon returned, grabbing Larry's attention.

"Larry, you need to come and see this"  Larry furrowed his brow, not moving immediately, "come and see !"  Leon insisted.  Larry rose to his feet, unsteady for a second, at being sat for so long.  He stretched and yawned as he eventually followed Leon out of the tent, then down the sidewalk to the barricades at the end of the blocked off street.  He couldn't believe what he saw, what the fuck ?  Tears pricked his eyes again.  Shit, with all the crying !  But now, for a completely different reason.  

It seemed there were tens, if not hundreds of people, some with banners and placards.  Some had brought BBQ's, coolers, food and tents.  It looked like they were going to have a party, and they were.  Sort of.  

"These are your peeps"  Leon smiled at Larry.  "They're here to support Laurent, and Michaela, and you."  Leon's gaze softened as he looked into Larry's tearful face.  God, he was beautiful.  He was also married.  "Come"  he told him.  As Larry approached the crowd, they burst into a loud rousing cheer and applause.  He shook hands and hugged everyone, it seemed, receiving kisses from the ladies, and bro hugs from the men.  Children had drawn him pictures, and made him gifts, that would be given to Laurent and Michaela at a later date.  When they came home.  

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now