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Larry had sent Michaela home to be with Kayden, Leyla and Chuck.  She had wanted to stay with Larry, but he would be staying and waiting for Laurent.  He persuaded her that she must go home, that this was no place for a child, that she had been here long enough.  

"When you see me again, I'll be with papa, OK ?  I'll be bringing papa home."  So she agreed.  He didn't want her here, at this place, that held such terrible memories, such pain, such awfulness.

Laurent was ushered immediately into debrief.  It took a while to get him mobile, to get him to focus, even.  He had retreated into his own world, in his head, but he wanted to leave it desperately, to get home, to be with his family, and get back to "normal", whatever the hell that was anymore.  That's what one part of his brain told him.  The other part begged him not to leave, to stay here in the peace and quiet and comfort and silence and solitude, where no one, and nothing could disturb or hurt him again.  Like it was when he was 16.

He chose the latter.  

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  

Leon guided Larry to a small, more than sparse, room.  A table and two chairs, no windows.  

"He'll be in there for a while, Larry.  They'll check him over, medically, make sure he's OK.  He's got a few bumps and bruises, minor stuff.  After the debrief, he'll have a psychological assessment, then he's all yours.  As soon as he's done, we'll bring him to you, OK ?"  Larry nodded, submerged in his own shocked and stupefied world too. 

"What ...... "  he gulped, "what will they ask him, talk about ?  They won't make him relive it all again, will they ?"  he asked.

"They might have to, Larry.  They have to get as much information as they can, while it's fresh in his mind.  What went right, what went wrong, how to do better.  About the two boys, what their involvement was.  They need to assess his condition, physically and psychologically.  He's gonna need help, a lot of help.  Him and Michaela.  You OK ?"  He nodded again, hearing the question, understanding it, but having no idea of Leon's statement.  "A lot of help."  He knew what that meant, he just had no idea what it would be like.

Leon left Larry alone then, him knowing he would have to wait.  They told him to go home, that they would call when Laurent was ready.  But he insisted on staying, insisted on being there when Laurent stepped into the real world again.  Larry would be there for him, like he always had been, and always would be.  Always.  

--  For better, for worse  --  why did there always seem to be so much of the worse.  There was the better, of course there was, but the worse was always so awful, always more memorable that the better.  Or was it just memorable because it was fresh in his mind, in his heart ?  Time heals all wounds, it says.  No, it would get better.  The bitter would be replaced by the sweet.  Well, we shall see. 

2 hours and 17 minutes later, the door to the room opened.  Larry jumped up at the sight of Laurent in the doorway.  He looked like he'd been through hell and back, which of course, he had.  He stood there, silent, lost and aloof, his arms hanging limply at his sides.  He was barely  recognisable as Laurent, Larry's Laurent.  His skin colour, his face was grey, and he had dark bags under his eyes, the lack of sleep, Larry presumed. He was dirty, his face blotchy from sleeping on the floor.  His hair was tousled and messy, his clothes disheveled.  He had a huge dressing on his forearm, and Larry could plainly see the bruises on his temple and his jaw.  The left arm of his shirt was dark in colour, and what was once wet, was now drying and sticky, and smelly.  It smelt rancid, of iron.  It was Cole's blood.  

Larry paused for a second, thinking perhaps, he would let Laurent come to him, to seek the warmth and comfort he needed.  But he didn't.  He just stood.  Looking around him as if he didn't know where he was.  And in a way, he didn't.  

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now