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Warning  --  bxb

Laurent awoke to the sunlight shining it's way around the bedroom.  It splashed it's rays on the walls, and filled the room with the promise of joy and a good day ahead.  As he came to his senses, he realised he was alone, but he didn't worry too much.  He knew Larry didn't suffer jet lag as much as he did, so he was most likely up and at 'em already, leaving him to sleep in.  Getting the kids ready for a day with their papa being home again.  All he knew was, that whatever today would bring, he would embrace it and be thankful for it all.  For his, now sound mind, and the feelings in his heart for his husband and his family.  The very thought made him smile broadly as he stretched his long brown body in the sunlight.

After throwing on sweatpants and a T shirt, he padded downstairs quietly, hearing a conversation going on in the kitchen.  As usual, as so many conversations were overheard this way, he or Larry would hide behind the doorjamb entering the kitchen, completely hidden from what might be happening there.  Larry was trying to answer the kid's questions, address a few things.  Michaela's attitude towards him being one.  It knocked him for six slightly, the psuedo teenager in evidence in her voice and tone.

"How long is he back for this time ?"  She pretended to be angry and upset, but Larry wasn't falling for any of it.

" 'He' is your papa, missy, and less of the attitude please.  As far as I know, apart from business trips,"  Larry paused.  Business trips to London.  That double edged emotional sword. "For as long as we want him here, and for as long as he want's to stay"  He took her chin between his fingers and thumb, bringing his face a little closer to hers to prove the point that he was the parent here.  "And I, for one, want him here forever"  he finished, poking his tongue out playfully in her disapproving face.  

"I want papa here forever too !"  Kayden shouted, earning himself a high five from Larry.  Michaela muttered something under her breath as she sat, arms crossed, in her chair, not liking the feeling that her family were ganging up on her.  --  She'll get over it  --  Larry told himself, smiling.  Her papa would help her.  As if on cue, because he was, Laurent cleared his throat as he rounded the corner into the kitchen.  

"Good morning !"  he greeted the assembled crowd.  He ruffled Kayden's hair, and pecked Larry's cheek that he sweetly offered him.  And he knew the same way to Michaelas heart, was the same route as it was to his own ;  dance.

Suddenly, Laurent grabbed Michaela off of her chair, holding her hands, dancing around the kitchen, twirling her around, lifting her off her feet to hold her, struggling against him in his tight, immovable embrace.

"Get off me, papa !"  she slapped his shoulders gruffly, trying so hard not to like what he was doing, trying so hard not to show him how much she loved him, how much she had missed him.  She tried so hard, but eventually, she lost the fight.  As he bent down to her level to slow dance with her, cheek to cheek, closing his eyes, a cheesy grin plastered to his face, she gave in and laughed at his silliness, as did Larry and Kayden.  The Ice Maiden had thawed a little.  It would only be a matter of time before she melted.  She would never forgive him completely, he knew that.  They would talk soon, he would answer her questions, and hopefully, she would understand.  And as she got older, maybe she would understand a little more.  She and Laurent had always been close, and he couldn't see them ever not being.  He just had to work harder to close that gap now.

Now with both kids smiling, if not at least happy, Laurent sat with his family to enjoy the wonderful breakfast that his wonderful husband had cooked for them all.  As a special treat he had made pancakes.  As Larry put a couple on each plate, with eggs, bacon and a little fruit, he handed Laurent his plate with a cheeky glint in his eye, a wry smile on his face that he in no way attempted to hide.  

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now