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Authors Note

This book contains violence of all kind (words, actions, etc) Also this book contains suicidal and depression sence. To clear everything up no I don't want you guys to do this. You guys are perfect in every way.





Wake up wake up wake up Jisselle your going to be late.

* Jisselle's P.O.V *

I wake up startled by Cameron yell and jumping on my bed yelling at me to get up. I hurry up and get dressed and I rush downstairs and Cameron is in the car waiting on me. We rush to school and I make it to first period just before the bell rings.

As I was sitting in class I felt someone stareing at me so I turned and saw that Sander. I hate Sander. He would beat the shit out of me everyday after school.

* flashback to kindergarten*

I was pushed onto the ground to see the most biggest bully ever.

"Leave me alone Sander" I said
"No" he laughs
"She said leave her ALONE" I hear someone say

I look up to see a boy with a bandanna on his head. He hells me up and stands in front of me while I hide behind him.

"Leave her alone and don't mess with her again" bandanna boy says

Sander takes off running with his friends after that.Bandanna boy turns around and looks at me.

"You saved me" I said
"Well,of course" Bandanna says
"I'm Taylor....Taylor Caniff"
"Hi, I am Jisselle.... Jisselle Dallas"
"Do you wanna be friends" Taylor says
"OMG, yes I would love to" I say

And from then on me and Taylor have been best friends.

*Flashback over*

Man, I wish Taylor was still here.

*Sander's P.O.V*

Man, ever since Taylor left in 8th grade it has been so fun kicking Jisselle's ass. Just wait till after school she is going to be beat like she hasn't gotten a bad beaten before

*Skips the rest of the day*

*Jisselle's P.O.V*

When the last bell rings I hurry to get to my locker before Sander see's me. As I walk out of the school and back to my house I can hear people behind me. Instead of looking behind me I start to run as fast as I can but then I tripped over a tree trunk and 4 shawdows appeared over me and I look up to see Sander and his friends before I can react I feel myself being pulled up and hit in the face. Then I feel multuple hits to the face stomach and many other places. I lay there and watch them walk away. I try to get up but fall right back to the ground. I lay there for a few minutes and mange to pull myself up. I walk slowly to my house and when I get there I run up to my room lock the door and just cry. I hear someone vomming up the stairs so I run to my bathroom that is attached to my room and hurried and covered the bruises and then I hear a knock on my door.

*Cameron's P.O.V*

I saw Jisselle run up to her room without saying a word. I put my phone down and go up to her room.

I knock a few times but no answer.I knock one more time and Jisselle comes to the door.

"What's wrong" I ask

"Nothing" she says

"Oh okay" I say

"Hey Cam can Deniya come over tonight"she ask

*Jisselle's P.O.V*

"Hey Cam can Deniya come over tonight" I ask

"Yea,of course why not but I will have some of the boys over" Cameron says

"Okay thanks"I say and close the door

I shit the door and grab my phone to text Deniya.

Text Convo

To Denae nae: hey do you wanna have a sleep over tonight

From Denae nae: hell yasss I am on my way

To Denae nae: kk see you then


Hey guy's what's up this book is dedicated to one of my best friends Jisselle

Jisselle if you are reading this I love you and I hope you enjoy.

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