24 ~ Why Does it Hurt?

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I arrived home a bit earlier than usual, loudly closing the door behind me. It wasn't exactly a slam, but it was hard enough for Mom to hear from the kitchen.

"Marissa? Is that you, mijita?"

"Yeah." I headed upstairs.

Mom came out of the kitchen, an apron tied around her waist. "Mija, where are you going? You haven't eaten yet," she said.

"I'm not hungry today, Mom."

"Why?" She paused. "What happened? Did something bad happen at school today?"

"No, no, it's just... I'm just tired, that's all. I had a long day. I want to take a nap, okay?"

I turned and climbed the staircase, hoping Mom would end the conversation. Obviously, she didn't.

"Marissa, wait. ¿Qué te pasa? Do you feel sick? Any fever?" She grabbed my arm, impeding me from moving. She placed her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"No, Mom, I'm fine," I said wearily.

"I have some Vicks in the drawer," she said.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't need Vicks, okay? I'm not sick. I just need a nap. I had a lot of work to do."

She gently turned my face towards her, studying my eyes. She shook her head and crossed her arms, scrutinizing me.

"Something happened and you won't tell me. Does it have to do with-"

"No, Mom, it has nothing to do with Johnny. Nothing. Why does everyone ask me about Johnny every time I'm upset? Johnny this, Johnny that, just end it! I'm just in a bad mood!"

My anger faded when I recognized that deadly look in her eyes; that look that told me I was getting a mark on my butt today.

"That wasn't what I was going to say," she said.

I froze. "It wasn't?"

"No. I thought you were still upset with Brenda this morning, because you fought again at breakfast."


I awkwardly licked my lips. "I actually forgot about that argument. But it's not a big deal. We just argued over stupid things like always."

"What happened with Johnny?"

"Nothing," I said quickly, feeling my throat closing. Mom's gaze softened as my eyes began to water. "Nothing happened. We're fine. I... I don't feel well."

I ran upstairs before she could interrogate me any further.

I ran into my bedroom, closing the door and tossing my backpack to the side. I collapsed on my bed with a sigh, my face buried in my mattress.

I heard a knock at my door. "Marissa? Everything okay?" asked Gracie.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, lifting my face from my bed.

"Hey, Marissa, I'm sorry about this morning," said Brenda.

"It's okay, Brenda. Nothing to apologize for."

Usually, Brenda was at school doing after-school activities and clubs, or at one of her friends' houses. Since Mom and Dad grounded her today— she went a little too far during our argument— she ended up staying home.

Gracie, on the other hand, seemed to prefer writing songs in her room. She had plenty of friends, but she apparently adapted to a more introverted way of living.

Lately, neither me nor Gracie were getting along with Brenda, due to her acting like an annoying little diva all the time. At breakfast, I'd caught her with my Bluetooth headphones on without my permission, and we clashed. The fight escalated to the point of punishment for both of us.

A Love-Hate RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now