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A/N alright, time for a texting chapter!

Makoto's POV
I can't wait. We're gonna surprise him with the best day ever, he'll start smiling more.

I texted the others. I needed to tell them.

Makoto: hey guys, I need to tell you something.

Celeste: what is it?

Makoto: It turns out Byakuya's never celebrated anything before. We have to make Christmas the best for him.

Junko: Ugh, that jerk? No way.

Hagakure: Yeah, dude, no way we're doing stuff for him.

Makoto: come on, guys, imagine never getting to celebrate anything. not even your birthday.

Chihiro: That would be pretty tough...

Makoto: anyway, what if he's nicer?

Junko: ok, fine, if it'll make him nicer, I'll do it.

Mukuro: I'm in if Junko is.

Hagakure: cool, man, let's do it!

Chihiro: I guess it might be fun.

Celeste: I guess I can do it.

Mondo: Byakuya's a big butt. But I don't really have anything else to do...

Makoto: alright, everyone meet in the art room!

I headed up to the art room. Hopefully Byakuya wouldn't get suspicious.

Everyone was already there.
"Hey Makoto, what are we gonna do?" Hagakure asked.
I laid out a plan for Christmas.

First, I would surprise Byakuya in the morning. We would steal his key, and while he was sleeping, we would decorate his room with Christmas decor. I would wake him up and say, "Merry Christmas!" Then, after breakfast, we would have a day full of fun. Sadly, Aoi was gone, because she would have a lot of good ideas for activities.

I asked for ideas, and we came up with ideas. If majority of our group liked an activity, it was added to the list. Unfortunately, Junko suggested truth or dare. And everyone agreed. Who knows what they'll do with that. Sadly, I wrote it down on the list. Hopefully they wouldn't do anything bad...

Soon, we had a list of activities that weren't just for Byakuya, but for us all to enjoy. Apparently Junko and Chihiro were pretty skilled bakers, so we decided on cookie decorating, with the two girls already headed off to make a few batches of cookies. (yes, chihiro's not a girl, but they don't know that yet)
We also decided on some contests and games, such as some gambling game Celeste wanted, a basketball game, a drawing contest, and other things.

We were satisfied with our choices, so we headed out of the art room at last. We walked down the stairs, chatting and laughing.

"Why are you all together in a big group? Are you plotting my murder or something?"
It was Byakuya, standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"Hah, no, don't worry, Byakuya, we were just hanging out as a class. We figured that you wouldn't want to join us, being the party pooper you are," I laughed. "Oh my god, I didn't mean that, you aren't a party pooper I just thought you wouldn't want to join us and read a book instead or something-" I waved my hands around.

Byakuya clamped a hand over my mouth. A sort of anxious fizzy feeling rose in my chest and I blushed a little.
Byakuya was blushing a bit too. He turned around.
"I don't need to hear your silly excuses, plebeian. Now, I will be heading back to my room," he said, and with that, he turned the corner and walked out of sight.

"Good save, Makoto," Junko giggled. "He won't suspect a thing."
"No, he already knows we're planning something for him, but he doesn't know how awesome it's gonna be."
I knocked on Byakuya's door. I had the plan all ready. It was time to steal his keys.

"Ugh, what do you want, commoner?" Byakuya asked as he opened the door.
"Oh, it's you, Makoto. What?" His voice softened when he saw me.

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out?" I asked as innocently as possible.
"It's almost nighttime-" he started. No, no, this had to be as perfect as possible.
"Pleeease?" I begged. "It's Christmas Eve and you don't want to hang out with your best friend?"
He raised an eyebrow at 'best friend'. He still looked like he was ready to slam the door in my face. So I pulled the puppy dog eyes card. I frowned at him slightly, trying to make myself look as innocent, sweet, and cute as possible. There was no way he could resist.

"Ugh, fine, only for a little bit. What do you want to do?" He groaned. Ha. I knew it. No one can resist puppy eyes and guilt tripping, not even Byakuya.
"Well, I was gonna have tea with Celeste, but she said she was tired. So I have some fresh tea, if you want to come drink some with me," I replied. It was all a lie.
"Alright, go get the tea and bring it back."
"Wha- me?" I couldn't believe he was ordering me to get the tea.

"Of course, who else is around to get it? I'm not going to the dining hall. It's too late," he scoffed.
I pouted at him but went to get the tea. I brought two tea cups on a tray back to Byakuya's room. He was still waiting for me in the hallway.

"Finally," He said, walking into his dorm and holding the door open for me, as my hands were full with the tray.
"Very gentlemanly of you," I joked.
"Ugh," He said, turning away. "Just hurry up."

I placed the tray on the desk and grabbed my teacup. I couldn't accidentally have Byakuya take the wrong cup because his actually had some melatonin in it. Wow, this does sound like a murder plan.

I carefully sat down on the floor, making sure not to spill my drink.

"What are you doing?" Came a voice from above me.
I looked up.
"Uh, well there's only one chair in here and I didn't want to take it.."
"Oh," He said, sitting in the chair.

We sat for a moment in awkward silence as Byakuya stared down at me from the chair.
Finally, Byakuya spoke up.
"This is strange. I'll just sit on the ground with you," he sighed.

We sipped our tea in silence.
"So, uh, Byakuya, you play any sports?" I say, trying to start a conversation.
"No," he replied simply. "Sports are childish and there is no need for them."
I sighed. Byakuya must've been raised very strangely...

A flash of silver caught my eye. Keys, sitting on the nightstand. He must've put them there after he'd unlocked the door to let me in.

Hopefully, the tea would work its magic soon, and Byakuya would go to sleep.
And soon enough, my wish was granted,

"Makoto, I'm feeling a bit tired. I'm going to go to sleep, you should probably leave," he said.
"Oh, I'm almost done with my tea, I'll just finish it and take the dishes back to the kitchen," I responded, needing to stay until he fell asleep. He nodded and crawled into bed with his suit still on.

Soon, I heard soft snoring. I carefully picked up the keys and placed them on the tray along with the teacups. I had some trouble getting out of the room, but I quickly got out and put the tray in the kitchen, taking the keys with me. The others were waiting in the dining hall.

"Alright, let's go," I said.
We grabbed signs saying merry Christmas and decorations we had made and I carefully unlocked Byakuya's dorm room for us to get in. We hung up the signs and crept out. Tomorrow morning I would wake him up- and he would love it.

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