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TW: slight s3lf h@rm, bl0od
Byakuya's POV
Tons of thoughts raced through my head. I still couldn't believe I actually kissed Makoto. It was perfect... and I think he likes me back.

I remembered that I still had to get ready for the day, so I quickly pulled myself out of bed.

I was about to leave when I heard a knock on my door.

"Hello- Makoto?" I asked, opening the door.

He was standing there, blushing hard, holding a bouquet of roses.
"H-hi," He said.
"What are you doing?" I asked, confused.
"Okay, uh, I've had a crush on you for a long time, if you couldn't tell... and with everything we've been, uh, doing lately, I thought it was finally time I asked, so, Byakuya Togami, will you be my boyfriend?" He mumbled, nervously shoving the flowers in my face.

My first instinct was to kiss him, tell him, "Yes, of course!"
But a few thoughts raced through my head.

What will your father think of you?
The heir of the Togami family shouldn't be dating a boy!
He shouldn't be gay!

A beat passed.

"Sorry, no," I mumbled, shutting the door in his face.

I heard soft footsteps running away.

I slid down to the floor. And one tear dripped from my eye. Then another. Tears came pouring down from my eyes and I couldn't stop them. I had stopped myself from crying before, it seemed so easy. But now I cried all of the tears I had held back in the past. I sunk into the corner, not really caring if anyone heard.

And I cried. Because Makoto wanted me.

He was too good for me. He was kind, cute, sweet, everything I wasn't.
I was just snobby and rich. He'd be better off without me.

I woke up the next day, my body sore and my suit still damp from my tears. I messily changed into a new one, not even bothering to look at myself in the mirror.

I had classes today, great. I exited my room and went into the kitchen to grab breakfast. I reached for an apple and saw steaming fresh eggs that were sitting in a buffet tray.

"Ew, what?" I said.
"Eat it," Makoto replied firmly, shoving the spoonful of eggs in front of my mouth again.
I sighed and hesitantly took a bite. It wasn't too bad for commoner food.

Fresh tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as I remembered that. I rushed out of the kitchen to the dining hall. I was about to sit down when I noticed everyone huddled in a group around... Makoto?

Aoi turned, hearing my footsteps, and gave me a little glare. My chest tightened and I hurried out of the dining hall, tears already dripping from my eyes again. I rubbed them away.

Don't cry. Don't cry. You're a Togami. Togamis don't cry.

I climbed the stairs to the library, my safe place. I ate the apple slowly, random emotions and thoughts flitting through my head.

Soon after, the bell signaling the start of classes rang. I straightened my appearance, smoothing my hair and suit and wiping the last of my tears away. I threw the apple core away and went to my first class, math.

As I entered the classroom, half of my classmates glared at me. What was wrong?

Halfway though the lesson, we were working on some worksheet. Leon, who sat next to me, said,
"Hey, can anyone lend me a pencil? I broke mine."
"Here, have mine," I volunteered.
"I don't want your pencil, heartbreaker," he muttered.


That was why the class was mad at me.

Because of Makoto.

Suddenly, I felt sick.
I raised my hand. "Can I go to the bathroom?"
The teacher nodded and I hurried out.

My hands were clenching and unclenching. Tears I didn't want dripped from my eyes.

It hurt, knowing I'd hurt Makoto like that.

I couldn't sleep. Thoughts of how I'd broken Makoto's heart plagued my short dreams. I needed to fix this. Needed to fix myself.

I paced around my dark room. I was so mad at myself. I'm such a terrible person.

I leaned my forehead against the wall.


And then I stepped back and punched it.
It felt so good.

I punched the wall so hard. I punched it until my knuckles were bloody, bruised and hurt.

I didn't care about the pain. I deserved it, for hurting Makoto. I deserved all of the pain in the world.


Then I decided that I would go apologize to Makoto. I would fix things. He wouldn't forgive me, but I would feel better. I knew I'm not supposed to be out during the nighttime, but I trudged out of my room anyway.

I came to Makoto's door. I heard crying from inside. I knocked softly.

The crying stopped. Then started again.

This is what I had done to Makoto.

I sat down on the floor by Makoto's room and cried as quietly as possible.

And for the second time that week, I fell asleep against a wall.

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