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corbyn sped back to the bakery, not even waiting for red lights. jonah followed him closely behind, in his own car. everything seemed normal at the bakery.

the fake blonde rushed inside, and saw the area filled with smoke. he coughed, trying to get oxygen. corbyn could hardly see. outside, jonah was calling nine one one, getting a fire truck to come down there immediately.

corbyn rolled onto the floor, away from the thick air. he crawled behind the counter, to see camren, laying on the floor, lifeless. he quickly grabbed her arms, and dragged her to the door.

he continued to cough, as more smoke filled his lungs. he pushed on the door, making it open, and fell onto the sidewalk outside.

jonah grabbed his bandmate and pulled him further away, and then went back and grabbed camren too. the firefighters and paramedics weren't there yet, but both were breathing.

corbyn slowly coughed and sat up. he saw the girl collapsed on the ground. corbyn rushed over to her and just held her. tears filled his eyes as sirens became closer.

paramedics soon surrounded the two, and firefighters entered the building. they put the fire out fairly quickly. camren was taken from corbyn's arms. two officials had to hold the boy back.

"no!" he screamed. "let me come with!"

"no, sir you need to stay back." the man holding him down spoke. "she might be going into cardiac arrest."

"no!" corbyn screamed again. tears continued to escape his eyes, and the drops fell to the sidewalk. jonah came over and helped hold the boy back, but he somehow still got free.

he ran towards the stretcher camren was being carried on. corbyn held onto the side, just looking at her. the paramedics began to push him away.

"please, don't leave me." he whispered as her still body was closed in an ambulance. it took off towards the hospital. a few paramedics came to his side, checking his breathing and making sure he didn't have any burns.

"it'll be okay." jonah patted corbyn's back lightly.

"no it won't!" corbyn's voice cracked. he fell to the ground, just sitting there. "it's all my fault." he mumbled under his breath over and over. just then, salem came running down the sheet, on time for her shift.

"oh my- what happened?!" a hand clasped over her mouth. jonah began to explain the story to the blonde girl, as corbyn sat there with his head in his hands. "wow."

"yeah." the older boy nodded in agreement.

"let's go!" she wiped the few tears that escaped her eye and jumped into jonah's car. corbyn immediately bolted up and got in, and so did jonah.



two chapters and then the epilogueeee hehe

let me know of mistakes


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