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corbyn sat in the waiting room. his leg bounced up and down impatiently. he couldn't wait any longer. he needed to see her. he needed to make sure she was okay.

jonah sat there too, texting the other boys, keeping them updated. salem was next to him, holding her head in her hands. she couldn't stop thinking that maybe she could have prevented it. if only she was earlier to her shift.

doctors and nurses walked past the trio. corbyn looked at them expectantly, but none of the professionals brought them any news.

"corbyn, salem, we should go eat." jonah told the two next to him.

"probably." salem sighed. "corbyn, let's go." the fake blonde just shook his head. he wasn't going anywhere.

"corbyn. you can't just sit here and do nothing. let's go eat." jonah pulled on his friend's arm. corbyn stayed frozen. he didn't speak, and he didn't move.

"corbyn matthew besson. i know this is hard but get your butt up out of that chair and let's go eat." salem scolded. although the blonde was intimidating, he still didn't move. then, a doctor called for the three.

"camren west family?" the three rushed up toward the man, with corbyn in the lead. "are you family?"

"i'm her boyfriend." corbyn blurted out.

"and i'm her best friend." salem added.

"i'm with them." the tallest boy pointed to the others.

"does she have any family here?" the doctor asked, looking at all of them.

"no, they all live in virgina." salem shook her head. the doctor sighed, and then continued.

"she's definitely doing better. she inhaled a lot of smoke, but you're lucky you got her out of there before her lungs got seriously damaged. she had a minor burn, nothing to worry about, and we're hoping she'll wake up soon." the man in the white coat informed them.

"can we see her?" jonah asked what everyone was thinking. the doctor nodded and led them too her room. corbyn was, of course, the first to walk in.

his heart broke again, after seeing her in the small white hospital bed. they had cleaned her up a bit, but she still had a little ash smeared on her cheek. her skin was tinted grey lightly.

corbyn pulled up a chair by the bed, not even taking his eyes off camren. he held her hand, rubbed it, and just cried. the doctor excused himself, and left to go see another patient.

salem joined corbyn, but sat on the other side of the bed. tears flowed almost endlessly out of her eyes. jonah stood at the end of the bed, with his brunette head faced downward.

"it's all my fault." corbyn whispered. the two could still hear it though.

"corbyn. no it's not." salem spoke through tears.

"yes it is." he said louder.

"no. corbyn it was an accident." jonah told him this time.

"it wasn't a freaking accident!" corbyn screamed. "it was my fault! it was all my fault!" the boy stormed out of the room, not stopping after hearing salem's and jonah's calls.

he stopped at the end of the long hall, and sat against the wall. "it's all my fault."


one more chapter and then the epilogue :(

i feel like this book isn't as good as the others in the series but whatever ahaha

let me know of mistakes


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