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Madison's POV
I'm an orphan. I keep telling everyone that I don't need someone taking care of me. I could take car of myself. But I was in a foster home with a boy who had emerald eyes, brown hair and was my best friend. His name was Billy Batson, he lost his mom when he was four.

I never met my mom. Everyone said she died from an overdose and left me and my dad. My father was a fire fighter when he was killed in a fire trying to save a family. Ever since then, I've been in foster home after foster home.

I've been taking care of myself since I was eight and had no problem with it. When I was ten years old, I met Billy Batson, who I was very closed too. We were like Bonnie and Clyde except we didn't actually like each other.

One morning, I woke up and found out that he left me. He promised he would never leave but he did. I ran away from a foster home and was caught by the police and they took me to E.B. Glover.

"Maddie, honey you can't keep doing this. Now, I know that you have been-." I interrupted saying. "No one loves me. And I'm cool with that." I told her, crossing my arms around me while she gave me disappointed look.

"Madison, there is a nice couple named Rosa and Victor who are willing to adopt you. They run a group home and they both are willing to adopt you."

I stare outside seeing a young man and woman staring back at me, they send me a small wave while I decide to smile and wave back. "So, Madison, are you gonna give them a chance?" E.B. ask me.

Now here I am in Rosa in Victor's car about to leave when they turn their heads and looked at the fourteen year old, me. "Okay, just to skip the spiel, we were both foster kids back in the day." Victor explains.

"Ohhh back in the dark ages." Rosa filled in. "Girl! I'm young at heart." Victor sassed, making me laugh. "Yeah, that's a reference to his blood pressure because he's so old. Oh wait, Madison, I have a question for you. Do you have any food allergies?"

I shook my head no and Victor made a joke. "Oh I wish you did, because Darla's cooking-." Rosa cursed at him in Spanish and hit his arm. "Thank you so much for opening your home to me." I told them while they gave me a smile.

"You are so welcome honey. And if you need anything at all just tell me and Victor." Rosa tells me.

After we parked in the driveway, I look outside seeing a two-story house that had Christmas lights on it and Christmas decorations. "We know how overwhelming it can be." Rosa explains.

"New faces, all up in your face." Victor filled in while I shook my head solemnly. I'm not new to this. I've had so many foster brothers and sisters like from three to eight foster siblings.

I look down, starting to play with my fingers and my right hand started shaking. "Shit!" I muttered making sure Rosa or Victor didn't hear me.

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