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Madison's POV
I almost blacked out when I heard Billy's voice and everyone groaning. "Man, sorry about that. It wasn't fair but then again you don't play fair so..." I chuckled. Just then Burke grabbed Billy and shoved him into the car, kneeing him in the stomach.

Just then Eugene grabbed nunchucks from Brett's back pocket and started swinging them. "Back off assbags! I know how to use these things!" He yelled but accidentally hit himself in the back of his head with them.

That gave Billy the time to run as fast as he can. Mary stares at the brothers going after Billy before turning her attention to me and Freddy. "Oh my god! Freddy are you going to be okay?" I cried rushing over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, I'll be okay." He chuckled but stopped because he winced a bit. "Maddie! I thought I told you to stay away from him. He's a freak! Do you really wanna be one losers!" I turned around to see Lizzie, folding her arms and giving me a serious look.

That's what made me snapped and I started yelling. "Just shut up okay! Just shut up! You don't care about anyone but yourself. Lizzie, my brother just got beaten up and your calling him a loser." We walked angrily away from her and Mary noticed my wrist.

"Maddie! We have to get you to the hospital, this is serious!" I looked down and saw my wrist which was bruised badly and my hand started shaking again.

Mary called Rosa and Victor who then took the rest of the kids home while they took me to the hospital. "Okay. I have good news and bad news about her wrist. The good news is that nothing bad has happened. But the bad news is that she will be needing a cast." The doctor spoke.

"Are you two her parents or her...?" He trails off but Victor told him that they were my foster parents. "Okay, I'm going to need you to sign some things before we release her." Rosa and Victor both nodded and followed the doctor to his office.

It was about five minutes before we left to go home. As we got home, everyone was doing their own thing while I sat on the couch. "Hey Maddie, are you okay? I was worried sick that you were going." Freddy rambled making me chuckle at his him.

After dinner me and Freddy were in charge of the dishes while Rosa and Victor was on the phone in the other room.

"You know, we're happy to look for Billy. More than happy but no you have to wash dishes that's what more important. What are you going to do Freddy run after him? Hahaha, very funny." He says sarcastically.

I placed my hand on his wrist, and his eyes flickered up to mine. Just then a loud boom from the window caused me to yelp. "Don't scream. I said don't scream!"

He ignored his request and started screaming for Victor. "It's me! It's Billy! It's Billy!" The man who wore red spandex whispered yelled, trying to stop Freddy from calling Victor.

"You asked me 'flight or invisibility?'. I thought that was stupid but now I look like this and I need your help! Meet me back here after lights out!"

Sunflower x reader (Freddy Freeman)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin