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Madison's POV
"Okay, is this song is called Maybe. Are you ready." She nods.

"Maybe far away. Or maybe real nearby. He maybe pouring her coffee, she maybe straightening his tie! Maybe in a house, all hidden by a hill. She's sitting playing piano, he's sitting paying a bill. Betcha they're young. Betcha they're smart. Bet they collect things like ashtrays and art. Betcha they're good, why shouldn't they be? They're one mistake was giving up me! So maybe now it's time, and maybe when I wake. They'll be calling me baby! Maybe. Betcha he reads. Betcha she sews. Maybe she's made me a closet of clothes! Maybe they're strict. As straight as a line. Don't really care as long as they're mine! So maybe now this prayers. The last one of its kind. Won't you please come get your baby? Maybe."

Darla was sleeping in my arms while I put her in her bed without waking her up. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles at me. "I love you Maddie. I'm glad I have another big sister in my life." It made my heart melt and kissed her on her forehead before going to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up bright and happy. Brushing my hair and applying light eyeshadow to my eyes and pink lipstick. Grabbing a rubber band, I put my hair up into a high ponytail and walked downstairs to the kitchen to see everyone downstairs, eating breakfast. "Hey Madison." They all yelled in unison once I came downstairs.

Freddy's POV
"Hey Maddie, isn't tomorrow your birthday?" I asked her while she gave me a widened look. "Mija, is that true?" Rosa asks her, while she looked down at her breakfast. "Uh-huh. I'm thinking about inviting someone from school over. If that's okay?"

Everyone nodded and we got in the van and drove to the school. "Big school. 2,000 students you might say 'wow so many strangers.' But think of them as your future friends then you might say. 'Wow so many friends!"

Madison was adjusting her backpack when she stumbles. Billy catches her saying something to her but I couldn't hear, I just sigh deeply and heavily before limping faster to the door.

Madison's POV
We walked in the door and entered the security scanner. "This is our security scanner. Like the ones you have at the airport. Totally safe!" Darla beans while Billy rolls his eyes and said through gritted teeth. "I know what it is!"

"Darla, thank you so much for telling that. I have to go to class now." She hugs me telling me have a good first day of school as I appreciate the hug. She went to hug Billy but he lightly pushed her away. "Look you don't have to hug me all the time. We're not actually brothers and sisters." He chuckles while I immediately hit myself over the head.

"I'm sorry." Was all she whispered before going with Freddy and leaving us alone. "Seriously Billy." I scoffed before going to class with Freddy. "Hi, I'm Lizzie." I turned around and saw a girl who was me and Freddy's age that had blonde hair that was long and green and blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Madison Grace Carter. It's nice to meet you." I offered my hand for her to shake as she stared at it for a minute before finally shaking it.

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