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Freddy's POV
The spark was coming in Madison's direction I thought quickly and grabbed her, pulling her into me. I gasped in surprise and almost laughed when I heard sobbing I looked down to see Maddie crying and whimpering.

"Maddie, are you okay?" I asked while Billy was looking concerned about her. "I-it w-w-was g-g-going to hit me." She said in between sobs while I wiped the tears from her eyes.

"No, no, no! It's okay. You're okay." I slowly stroked her hair, while she calmed down and dried the rest of her tears away from her face.

"I'm okay now." She says while giving me a soft smile and a peck on my cheek. "Are you two done being gross." Billy asked, very irritable. "You guys wanna head somewhere else fun?" Maddie asked while we gave a smile and nodded.

We all headed to Seven-11 which was almost five minutes away from the house. "I don't know about this guys, I mean we don't have any fake I.D.'s so..." Madison trails off, making Billy scoff.

"Oh my god! Maddie will you relax okay? I am the fake I.D." Just then the door slams opens and it shows two robbers with guns in their hands and pointing it at the store owner.

One of the robbers yelled. "Okay! Everything out of the cash register! Now go!" He ordered while the three of us hid behind one of the aisle. I tapped Billy's hand and told him to go out there and be a superhero.

He awkwardly walked over to them and said. "Gentlemen! Why used real guns when we can handle this like real gentlemen." Me and Maddie was walking over to them, seeing Billy take a gun out of one of the robbers hand but they other one shot him. "Billy look out." I yelled and Madison buries her face into my neck.

Madison's POV
I buried my face in Freddy's neck but I heard Freddy laugh. Confused, I looked up seeing Billy unharmed. "Oh my god! Billy, are you okay? You scared the shit out of me!" I laughed before Billy looked at the two robbers and threw them out of the window while they were tied up in Christmas lights.

We all got food and walked past a women in her twenties. "Hey, you look really cool." Billy flirted with the woman while I hit my hand over my head. "Oh yeah, his name is captain sparkle fingers." Freddy told the woman who was speed walking away from us.

"No! No it's not! You know, we should definitely hang out together because you and I are like the same ages." He protested while I laughed at what Freddy said.

Just then a police car showed up causing Billy to run as fast as he could almost leaving me and Freddy. "Wait up." We both yelled. I was leaning on Freddy's shoulder as we were sitting down on Rocky's steps. "Wow, these is a sick view. No wonder why Rocky worked so hard to get up here." Billy said making me chuckle.

Billy's POV
"Wow, these is a sick view. No wonder why Rocky worked so hard to get up here." I said making Madison chuckle. I have to admit I've liked Maddie since we were little and it was hard to tell her that I love her. And ever time I see her talking to Freddy it makes me feel angry and frustrated on the inside.

"You know, your like a deferent version of Darla. You kinda like a-." I interrupt him saying. "A dick?" Madison gives me a serious look and shakes her head. She looks at her phone and gets up from where she was sitting.

Times skip~home
"Okay, come on." Maddie whispers as we followed her up the stairs to our rooms. I didn't see the bum step and it made a loud creaking noise. "Hello, who was that?" Rosa asked. "It was me and Maddie, Rosa." Freddy covered for me.

Me, Freddy and Madison quietly hurried up the stairs to our rooms as Rosa was coming up the stairs. We entered a room but a light turned on revealing Darla. "Aw shit." Madison muttered.

"Darla, it's me. Billy. I know I don't look like me but some old guy brought me to a temple and made me say Shazam." There was a lightning that struck me and I was my normal self again.

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