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_Shuichi Saihara

I could hear arguing on the other side of the door it sounded like Ishimaru the chief's son. " Son I will not let you live with some-...CRIMINAL." I knew I probably shouldn't eavesdrop but I couldn't help it. " DAD, MONDO IS NOT SOME CRIMINAL, HE'S DONE BAD THINGS SURE BUT HE CARES ABOUT ME! IF YOU CAN'T RESPECT MY DECISION TO LIVE WITH HIM I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T EXPECT YOU TO UNDERSTAND!" I could hear the intensity of the argument, I honestly wished Ishimaru the best with Mondo Owada the famed biker gang leader, honestly, it was something out of those yaoi novels Tsumugi read. Then I heard something a faint cry, I listened close praying the argument was over. " Son I don't wanna lose you like I lost your mother...Nor do I want Mondo to endure the pain I endured while raising you, even though I can't understand him I know he cares it's just...I...I DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU!" I could Takaaki was crying, I mean his father put him in a major debt that almost got him fired, then right after his wife the only one who supported him at the time, was involved in a horrid incident. I could tell Ishimaru was also taken aback by his father's words. I myself could never forget the lovely woman that was no-one could, she was one of the reasons most of us joined the force. To honor her. Ishimaru was basically the male replica of her when he was younger, until his grandfather obviously got exposed and tore that family to shreds.

I could tell that's what shut Ishimaru up, and I couldn't blame him. There was a silence, but then I heard Takaaki say something. "What did you say, father?" I heard Takaaki clear his throat, " Son, please just be careful when living with Mondo." I was shocked, usually these arguments lasted a few hours. " Of course, father I will make sure to keep caution." I immediately took that as a sign to knock so I wouldn't interrupt things I quietly knocked. " Come in..." I could feel my legs shaking and my heart racing, it was slightly nervewracking to open the door. My palms started to sweat as I walked into the office, " Excuse me Shuichi." Ishimaru quickly walked by me." So you came into my office for what? If it's important take a seat boy." I went over to the chair and quickly sat down I started fiddling with my hat. " So Shuichi what's so important you needed to tell me after everyone left. " Well, you see sir-" I was cut off by chuckling," You don't need to apologize so much you remind me of your parents, but anyway just tell me why you came here?" My sweating started getting even worse finally I said it, " Sir I wanna take on the case of D.I.C.E. Leader and ally of Kuzuryuu clan Ouma." I expected him to spit coffee out in surprise, but he didn't he just said," Be warned, from the records we can tell both original Ouma's died from doing something to help their goals, this one, this one is a new Ouma, and from what the records say he thinks of us as toys, he's what I would consider more brutal than both the past Ouma's combined he doesn't murder anyone for his own benefit either, he murders them for reasons unbeknownst to us. Do you still wanna take this case?" I nodded my head, I felt like I wanted to scream, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a girly sleepover scream or a scream of pure horror, I felt honored to get the case but at the same time, they barely had any info on the guy. I should probably tell my roommate Kaede about this, She'll be pretty happy I got a serious case, but I don't think she'll like this one.

(Sorry for the short chapters I promise chapter 3 will be much longer than this 2 paragraph second-grader stuff, I just wanted to post to make a chapter so I can write in more diverse settings, also my headcanons are that all the parents of Danganronpa fake or real exist, except for the ones that state the parents were never actually in their life at all like Mondo Owada's parents. P.S this is a sort of none despair AU except they all went through their high school lives together. Sorry for the long A/N! Bye!)

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