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_Shuichi's POV
I had just left the queen of liars palace, and I couldn't get over him. His eyes were so full of glee, but I could tell their was a hidden pain behind it. I wanted to help him anyway I could, but before I could think, I heard a yell,"Shuichi!" Kaede ran towards me along with Maki, Byakuya? Wait Kyoko!? I ran towards them," Where were you!?" Maki frantically questioned," Well I was at the queen of liars palace..." Kyoko stepped in front of both of them,"Kyoko!-"Who was with you?" She looked at me with cold eyes, like she thought of me as a simple eye-witness, and not her best friend. " Ouma." I replied bluntly, if Kyoko was gonna treat me like this I wouldn't have any of it. "Which one?" She replied calmly," Never caught the name, they told me to head to the warehouse." I mumbled. Then I saw someone else running towards us," Yoo-hoo, Kyoko I'm here-Are you Shuichi Saihara?" The woman was tall and had black swirls coming from each side of her head. The infamous Celestia Ludenberg, the one Kyoko ran off with!

"Yeah?" She was put her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Celestia Ludenburg as you should hopefully know!" She greeted with an interesting accent. She shooed the others away, " I know you know Kokichi, I'm assuming he told you to lie?" I nodded, she felt trustworthy and she appeared to be the only one who  cared enough as she was still holding my hands after the handshake." Promise me something Saihara," Her hands started shaking," Get Kokichi and the others away from here, please!" She begged as her eyes silently pleaded," Of course Celeste." I assumed she wanted me to get Kokichi away from D.I.C.E. But why, and why now? I was lost in my thoughts when Byakuya approached me," Have you perhaps seen a boy by the name of Makoto?" He questioned," Yeah, he was super nice!" Byakuya nodded," Well I've invited each member of D.I.C.E. To a formal dinner party, let's hope they come so we can question them." Byakuya walked away from the gate to the queen of liars palace, giving it the cold shoulder.

" Who knew he still cared about Naegi! He always sends him such hateful messages towards him and the group as a whole." Celeste piped in, I could tell she was concerned too." Let's hope Byakuya's plan works, also Shuichi don't get attached, they'll end up being arrested or worse killed." Kyoko blatantly stated. Celeste looked as shocked as I did, Kyoko walked away while Maki and Kaede stood in shock. " Let me take you all back to my place," Celeste offered," I can inform you all about the situation." I nodded, as did Maki and Kaede.

(Let me just say...This chapter was...chaotic.)

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