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Warnings: Lil bit of cursing.

_Shuichi's POV

Maki had just hung up on Kaito," Maki why'd you do that? Kaito really cares! You could've just confessed!?" Maki shook her head," No, I don't want that sleazeball telling Kaito how I feel! I wanna tell Kaito myself in person." Maki was screeching at us. Then she started ranting about how Hifumi was a good-for-nothing loser. All-in-all it was pretty harsh, like SUPER harsh! That's when I spotted someone running down the street, wait a minute...Kaito? I saw Akane and Nekomaru take him in quickly. I'd call him now but I assume Maki would throw a big fucking fit about me talking to him.

I decided I would head to Nekomaru's, but then I saw someone else running. Angie! I trusted Angie would make the situation better, I hope..."Hey Maki, I'm gonna call Angie really quick!" I then proceeded to run to my room and lock it. I realized I had the note that weird clown gave Maki. I had read it what felt like my 1,000,000th time. All it said was this,

My dearest, Shuichi Saihara

I hope this letter came to you in fine health, I suppose you've realized by now I was the man on the bus. If not, your stupid! Anyway, I've taken a liking to you already! So since your not some wrinkly old gramps I'm gonna help you solve each and every Ouma case but mine! First hint, my gramps started the crime buisness! My father let the Ouma's go to shame, as he was the one who almost got caught! He ran for the hills after that! So I took over and started a group known as D.I.C.E. I considered it sad at first. Until we of course made a deal with many Yakuza members, and many are allys! Especially the Kuzuryuu clan!

Anyway my second hint is my father's hiding in that run-down apartment complex near the gas station! My gramps is hiding out with him, don't worry I'll be with you so I can watch them get arrested! They're both dissapointments who deserve punishments! I'll help you get to them, and arrest them! That's where the deal ends pal! I have one of my clowns waiting in the alley for your answer to our little 'deal'

So, once you've read this by yourself please think about and write your answer!

Bye! From the best Ouma!

It was scribbled with some purple crayon, but I already knew my answer. 'yes' but I didn't want Maki and Kaede interfering with this 'deal' anyway I'm actually putting trust in an Ouma, wow. It was the only thing I had to seeing this 'Ouma' figure. I looked out my window, and sure enough there was a bright colored clown outside my window."You got an answer yet kid?" I nodded my head," Yes, I accept it. Tell him to meet me at the bus-stop, or this same alley-way." He nodded and left. I decided to call Angie and ask how she was doing," Hey, Angie. Just so you know Kaito left, and went to Nekomaru and Akane's place." I explained," Oh, Atua told me Kaito was leaving, and Atua also told me he had a conversation with Maki!" She kept going on about Atua," Anyway night Angie." 

"Good-night Shuichi!"

I didn't know that was the last I'd hear from her, or anyone else besides Ouma.

(This was just an all-in-all shitty chapter. I'm doing online learning, but I hate it. Also your probably gonna get horrible short chapters like this. Unless something major happens, or I've planned it out! BYE!)

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