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_Kaede's POV

I woke up to Maki shaking me, " THEY TOOK HIM KAEDE!" I could see the panic in her eyes."What do you mean?" She was shaking, the more I looked at her the more I realized. " OUMA TOOK SHUICHI!" Maki immediately put her jacket on, " Get ready, we have to tell the cops about Shuichi." I nodded and started rushing towards my closet. I chose to just put a jacket over my pajamas. " Let's go NOW!" We both ran out of the apartment towards the parking lot, " QUICK GET IN THE CAR, WE CAN'T LET OUMA GET AWAY!" Maki seemed especially riled, usually she's super calm. Maybe what happened with Kaito riled her up, if that's also bothering her it makes sense. Maki apparently said 'fuck you law' cause she was taking illegal turns, speeding, honking, etc. It was crazy, but we made it out alive. Maki and I ran outside towards the police station, " Sir, Ouma has taken Shuichi Saihara!" All of the cops who worked the shift looked panicked, " Ma'am please calm do-" In which Maki started screeching about how they had to get leads or at least do something. ( Maki was basically a Karen.)

"You heard what happened to our chief? He got ran over by one of those clowns. We can't do anything till he gets better." Maki slammed her hands on the desk," I have information you might wanna hear about and trust me, it's useful. " Please officer!" I started begging, the least I could do was beg. I heard someone cough. " I might be useful." Then someone stepped out, Byakuya Togami the one and only. Someone else also stepped out," So, Shuichi Saihara got kidnapped?" The woman appeared to be around the age of everyone else in class 78. She was around medium height with white hair. "KYOKO!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WE THOUGHT YOU GOT KILLED BY THAT MESSED UP LUDENBURG!" Kyoko raised her hand," Don't speak about Taeko like that, please. Also I'm here because I already knew my trainee was kidnapped, and I already know who he's with. Taeko please come out dear you have to tell them what you know." Then the infamous Celestia Ludenburg stepped out," I have information you might find...Helpful."

Celestia, and Kyoko walked towards the other officers who took them into questioning. " Anyway, I'm assuming your Ms. Akamatsu and Ms. Harukawa." Byakuya Togami was strolling towards us," Come with me we need to talk. Specifically about your friend Shuichi." He dragged us along with him. He then walked us through the parking lot," Keys?" He gestured his hand towards the keys Maki was holding, Maki reluctantly let go of the keys. " Anyway were heading to my house where I can serve you tea, and you can tell me everything you know about the situation and I'll tell you what I know. Simple knowledge exchange."

" We don't even know if your on Ouma's side." He nodded," Of course I would expect that from someone who knows Ouma like me, I can confirm the only people who still work with Ouma that were around before you quit are Fuyuhiko, Peko, Junko, and Nagito." I stared in shock as Maki simply nodded. At this point we were going through the high-class, millionaire neighborhoods. I stared in awe at the houses," We're here." He stopped, and parked in front of the largest mansion of all. " Wait this is your place?" Maki and Byakuya nodded," I'm the Ultimate Affluent Progeny after all." He did make a fair point," Anyway come inside we need to discuss what happened to your classmate Shuichi."

(Enjoy my sad cliff-hanger, I'm gonna start getting on a schedule. So hopefully I'll update more often. If I do have a schedule, I'll plan it and put it in the next chapter or the one after that. It just depends on the day. Also this is a big College AU on top of a crime AU so..."

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