Chapter 1 - First Encounter

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The conference hall was not going well, the development deal for the new building in Jeju City was in jeopardy, and Yoon Se Ri was beginning to lose patience. It was almost 8 pm in Seoul, and this call had been going on for nearly two hours. She was pacing back and forth in front of the large glass windows in her office, watching the traffic below, along the river. She guessed that the night must be warm, none was bundled in jackets, everyone was in jeans and short sleeves.

Se Ri never watched the news or the weather, she hardly left the confines of her climate-controlled office for the matter. The arguments on the other line suddenly stopped, the investor had abruptly disconnected the conference call, and Se Ri was left with nothing more than a dial tone. She left out a long string of expletives and stormed over to her desk and slammed her phone down. She then began marching toward the office door, the heels of her Louboutin's clicking on the hardwood floors, she certainly walked with a purpose. With force, she flung open her door who was still sitting at her desk, clicking away at her computer.

"Ms Hyeon, get me Seo Dan on the phone, right now."

Hyeon Myeong Sun's head snapped up, and she could almost feel the fire coming out of Se Ri's eyes. "Ma'am she has left for the evening. She indicated she had plans and would be out of reach."

"I don't care, call her cell, that's why I pay for that thing, so I can reach her when I need her. Once she's on the line, you can go home, I've kept you here too long today as it is." Se Ri's eyes softened. She liked Myeong Sun, and she knew that she worked her too hard, and she did feel bad about it.

Myeong Sun nodded her head in response and immediately picked up the phone to dial Seo Dan's number. She was acutely aware that this deal in Jeju was in trouble and knew the amount of money that was at stake. When deals were at this stage, Se Ri's stress level was through the roof. She was used to her barking orders and then dialling it back and then ramping it up again. It was a roller coaster to work with this woman, but Se Ri took care of her and paid her well and respected her which more than she could say for previous male bosses she had.

Myeong Sun dialled Seo Dan's number, and it rang several times before she picked up, the irritation was noticeable in her voice. "This better be important, Ms, Hyeon. I told you I was unavailable for the night."

"I do apologize for disturbing your evening." Myeong Sun's proper manners were now on full display. "Ms Yoon asked that I get you on the line immediately."

"You did tell her that I was unavailable, right?"

"Yes Ma'am, I did, and she was quite insistent that I call you." Myeong Sun explained.

"Damn, I take it the Jeju City call didn't go well?"

"She did not discuss the call with me, however, I do believe your assumption would be accurate, Ma'am."

Seo Dan let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, put her on the line. I'll hold for her." Seo Dan's irritation was evident.

Myeong Sun put the call on hold and buzzed Se Ri's office to let her know the call was waiting. When she noticed that the call was picked up and heard Se Ri's voice boom through the room, she began to gather things so she could leave for the evening.

"Seo Dan, where in the hell are you? And why were you not here for this meeting?" Se Ri began to bark into the phone. "You knew there was a chance this meeting wasn't going too well and you left me here to handle this on my own." She waited to see if there would be an answer. Instead, she heard nothing but music and muted conversation in the background. "Are you listening to me, Seo Dan? Where are you?"

"Yoon Se Ri, take a deep breath and calm down. I told you that I had plans for tonight and I would not be on this call, I can't help it if you elected to ignore me."

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