Chapter 4 - Confusions

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As Jeong Hyeok and Se Ri continued to walk down the avenue, their conversation came easily and was comfortable. For the first time in a long time, Se Ri wasn't in a hurry to rush back to the office and didn't feel the pressure of the world on her shoulders. She was also enjoying the fact that she was holding hand, something so simple that you never think about yet was relaxing and amazingly intimate for her. This isn't who she is or what she does.

"So you like bad boys or do you just like to get in trouble?" Jeong Hyeok asked playfully and with a raised brow.

"Oh, I wouldn't say I like bad boys, and I wouldn't say I like to get in trouble necessarily. But straight-laced all the time is boring, and they do say that variety is the spice of life. So tell me, do you like the celebrity lifestyle? All the women throwing themselves at you and the attention you receive?" She thought she detected a shift in his demeanour when she asked this question, and it took him a few minutes before he answered.

"Um, no, not really. I love acting, I really do, it's a passion of mine and I like to get lost in the role and be someone different and explore what that character might be like. I just don't like the other stuff that comes along with it," He took a deep breath and tried to think of the best way to say what he wanted without seeming ungrateful. "I don't really like all of the media attention and the swarms of fans. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad I have fans, and I appreciate them," he started to trail off.

"But the attention is overwhelming?" Se Ri finished for him. "I could only imagine how hard it must be to be recognized everywhere you go. Frankly, I'm surprised no one has approached you as we've walked down the street. Does the hat throw people off that much?"

This made Jeong Hyeok laugh, "Amazingly enough, yes it does! I just can't get used to women fawning over me. Damn, that sounds conceited."

"No, it doesn't. Why is it hard for you to believe that women find you attractive? You can't seriously think you are unattractive?" Se Ri stopped, they had made their way to the water tower, and this would be a good place to turn and start their journey back towards the river. "Wait, do you not think you're attractive, Ri Jeong Hyeok?"

"I think I'm average, okay, maybe a little more than average but I don't go walking around thinking I'm all that. How messed up would that be? Why did we stop walking by the way?" He looked around to get an idea of where they were, he had not been paying attention to their surroundings.

"One, I wanted to stop to make you look at me and answer the question. And two, well I figured this would be a good spot to turn around and head back," she could not help but smile at that those gorgeous eyes as he was looking at her so intently. "This is the Water Tower, the second-oldest water tower in South Korea. It's 154 feet tall, and it is the only public building to survive that was in the burn zone of the great fire. As a matter of fact, it is actually one of just a few surviving structures from the fire that are still standing today."

"Wow, that's quite impressive. The building is well maintained and preserved. Obviously, there have been renovations."

"There have been two major renovations and the last one was in 1978. The building is used today as an art gallery for the Seoul Office of Tourism."

"I should just hire you to be my tour guide and walk me around the city and tell me everything I need to know. You know, if you ever get tired of designing buildings that could be your next career."

"Yeah, well I might have a connection or two with the Architectural Society so maybe I could become a docent and give tours."

Jeong Hyeok began to laugh, "Okay, so I answered your question, now you need to answer mine," he returned her smile and raised his eyebrows at her. "How about you, do you like all of the attention you get? I mean the Mayor even said it, you're a city treasure, and you've got a legacy to live up to."

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