Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

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Warning: One hell of a long chapter with a slight rollercoaster ride.

The door burst open just as his voice rang out through the bathroom. Shaky already, she fumbled and shoved the stick she was holding into the bin next to the toilet. Struggling to catch her bearings and her breath she stood and hopped to pull her sweats up. A look of pure terror morphed to one of anger as she turned to flush the toilet before trying to cover her actions by laying into him.

"What the-, I can't even pee anymore in private?" she spat and glanced at the bin to see if she had covered the evidence she didn't want to be caught with. Seeing it sticking up at an odd angle she began to panic and moved her body to try and conceal it.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I've been calling for you, did you not hear me?" he moved towards her, causing her heart to jump and her stomach to drop.

"Ri Jeong Hyeok..." anger rolled off her tongue as she tried to step around him and draw him away from the general area they were in.

"You okay? What's wrong?" He questioned with concern written all over his face as he reached to stroke her face.

"What's wrong is- I can't even pee in private anymore!" She dodged his touch and moved to wash her hands.

"Sorry, Baby, I didn't mean to upset you. I just couldn't find you and you haven't been feeling well, so I thought..." He trailed off and turned towards the commode, unzipping his pants.

"Seriously? We have how many bathrooms and you have to do this now in the same one I'm in?" she bitched as she watched him in the mirror, praying that if she kept talking he would pay attention to her and not look down. Gripping the counter, she held her breath waiting for him to finish and zip. As he reached for the handle on the toilet to flush, she let her breath out, thinking she was in the clear. Starting to turning towards her, he glanced down briefly to straighten his shirt and stopped all movement. Se Ri's eyes went wide when she saw through the reflection of the mirror, him bending down and plucking her secret from the bin.

"Fuck," she whispered to herself and hung her head so she wouldn't have to witness his reaction. The air in the room was stifling all of a sudden and the only thing she could hear was the pounding of her heart. Waiting for him to say something, she stood perfectly still and stared at the drain in the sink below her hung head.

"Se Ri?" He questioned her. Her voice was lost. The irrational anger she felt for him stepping into her private moment threatened to rear its ugly head, so she fought to keep her mouth shut.

The sound of him moving behind her caused her to retreat into herself further. Stepping back from the sink a couple of steps, she bent at the waist and released her death grip on the porcelain vanity in favour of crossing her arms against it and leaning to plant her face against them.

"Se Ri-ya, what is-?" His shaky voice was closer to her, but she refused to say anything or even move.

A muffled whimper was all she could manage to express as he stepped to her side and placed his open hand against her back. The feeling of him touching her was the only thing keeping her grounded. She knew what he had in his hand, but she didn't know the results. She fought the urge to rip the stick from his hand and run away, but there was nowhere to go now. He wouldn't let her get away and he had the answers she'd been looking for when she'd snuck into the bathroom five minutes ago.

"Baby, say something..." he begged as his hand started rubbing gentle circles across her back.

"What do you want me to say?" she mumbled into her arms as she rocked her head against them.

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