Chapter 22 - Shock

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Warning: Enjoy some fresh 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 before we hit the ☄☄☄☄☄

As Agent Kim disconnected the call, he noticed one of the detectives making his way toward him. He put his phone back in his pocket and prepared herself for the conversation. Knowing it would probably turn contentious.

The Homicide Detective stepped forward, dressed in khakis and sports coat, extended his hand, "Hello, I'm Detective Lee Jae Han, I take it you're NIS?"

Agent Kim took his hand, returning the handshake, "Yes, Special Agent Kim."

"So, you told your Director this is a CI that you're working with? You can identify his body?" He motioned back to Cheol Gang's body, uncovered and being photographed on the shoreline.

"Yes, he is Cho Cheol Gang. Despite the fact that he's dead, I can't give you any details about the case we were working on," Agent Kim moved past the Detective and toward Cheol Gang's body. He squatted down beside Cheol Gang's body, wanting to see if his watch was still on his wrist. Seeing that it was, Agent Kim had to work to suppress a smile. This meant he should have the audio of what transpired. He would have Cheol Gang's murder on audio. He stood back up, looking at Detective Lee, "I don't want to take your glory, but I'll tell you I've got a good idea of who killed him. You know how this works, right? There are things I can't share, but I'll need everything you find out."

Detective Lee let out a laugh, "Not sure if you know this or not, Agent Kim, but there are a shit ton of murders right now. So, we have our hands full with plenty of cases. If you want this one, I've got no problem giving it to you."

Before he could respond, the Medical Examiner took the opportunity to insert himself into the conversation, "Before you two whip out your dicks to measure, do you care if I take the body to the morgue? I've got work to do, and since my job isn't blurred by departments, I don't give a shit which one of you will end up with the investigation." He realized his words were caustic and vulgar, but he was tired of being caught in the middle of the pissing contests between the divisions of law enforcement.

Detective Lee and Agent Kim both laughed at his remarks, but Agent Kim was the one who decided to respond. "Go right ahead. I'll need to stop by for his personal effects, is that an issue?"

"Nope, you know where the morgue is. He'll have no need for his clothes and effects for what I need to do," The ME stood up and dusted off his pants, then straightened his glasses. He took a few steps back while his technicians loaded Cheol Gang's body into the body bag then onto the gurney for placement into the van.

Agent Kim pushed his luck in asking another question, "I know you've got other cases, but do you have any idea when you might have the autopsy and results back on this one?"

The ME let out a huff and shook his head, the cops, no matter what division, were always wanting to rush the process. "I should be able to start on him today, can have preliminary results this afternoon, full results in a day or so."

"Great, thank you," Agent Kim said with a nod to show his appreciation. If he could at least get the watch and listen to the audio, he could begin to piece things together. Once he had the official autopsy results, well the case would be a slam dunk as far as he was concerned. He turned back to Detective Lee, "So, what do you know so far?"

"Unfortunately, we don't know much," Detective Lee admitted, "A couple was out walking this morning and said the body washed up with the tide. You saw the condition of the body, that's all we know. He was wearing a tux, looks like he's been beaten, and there is no apparent gunshot wound or stab wound."

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