Chapter 20 - The Gala

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Warning: Let's have some fresh 🍋🍋 before we hit the 🎢 🧨💥🌪, shall we?
And yes, you'll probably need something strong by end of the chapter 🙈

Special Agent Kim had been reading through the transcripts provided by the device worn by Cho Cheol Gang over the last few days. He had been called out on several jobs for Kim Yang Eun, and as requested, had worn the wire that Agent Kim had provided. It was a micro recording device that he snapped on the back of his watch, it looked just like the battery backing, so no one was the wiser. No wires, and if anyone patted him down, they saw nothing out of place.

As he read through the transcripts, Agent Kim came to realize something, Cheol Gang forgot very quickly that he was wearing it. Not only that, but the man was also very comfortable with lying. Agent Kim didn't like him when Cheol Gang's file had been placed on his desk, but after reading these transcripts, he really hated him.

The only positive Agent Kim had from what he was being forced to read was the fact that there was a big deal coming up over the weekend. It could be what he needed to finally put Kim Yang Eun away, once and for all. He just prayed Cheol Gang could deliver.


The clock on the wall was moving entirely too slow. Of course, Se Ri was staring at it, so that wasn't helping. For a minute she thought it had actually stopped moving altogether. She thought maybe the batteries had died. Checking her watch, she realized the clock was working. Time was just not moving as fast as she would like. It was Friday afternoon. Jeong Hyeok would be arriving in eight hours. There was no way she could concentrate, her mind was on him and what she wanted to do when he got home.

Myeong Sun entered her office, knocking gently as she walked in, "Ma'am, I've got Mr Kim Jae Bom on the phone, he would like to speak with you regarding the Jeju deal. He also has a new project to discuss. Should I get Ms Do Hye Ji for you?"

"What line is the call on, Ms Hyeon?"

"Line 4, ma'am."

"Great, I'll grab the call, please go ahead and send Ms Do this way," she sincerely hoped that by taking the call, her mind would be occupied enough that it would keep her from dwelling on Jeong Hyeok. It worked, the call lasted a little more than two hours and set her off on a tangent that kept her busy for some time.

When she finally looked at the clock again, she was elated to realize it was after six and Jeong Hyeok would be home in a little more than four hours. She began to pack up her things to head home, but she realized she had not finalized her plans to meet up with Cheol Gang. As much as she hated to do it, she needed to send him an email. Her personal laptop was still open, so she started to type.

I realize this email is late, and for that, I do apologize. We failed to confirm our arrangements for tomorrow evening and our exchange. The gala event starts at 7:00 pm and I will step out to meet you in front of the events centre at 8:30 for the trade. I will, as promised, make the electronic transfer once I receive the card with the digital library and your notarized document.

Let me know if there is an issue with this arrangement.

Yoon Se Ri.

She closed the laptop, not waiting for a reply. She had asked her driver, on the way home, to go to the airport that evening to pick up Jeong Hyeok. Se Ri let him know she was leaving an envelope in the backseat for him, making sure the driver didn't accidentally remove it from the car after she exited. She gave him the flight information once he pulled into the parking garage, as well as a generous tip for the additional pickup. Thanking him, she stepped out of the car and moved toward the elevator to take her to her apartment.

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